Singles cruise

Fbailey story number 241 Single’s Cruise My wife had been dead for long enough according to my children and friends. So I booked a week on a single’s cruise in the Caribbean for people over[…]

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Mrs dot

Chapter 1 I guess this is England not empire bay. England, 1964, I was an 18 year old apprentice living at home with my parents, as pretty much all teenagers did back then. Although technically[…]

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What a surprise2

It was early Saturday morning and Steve and Angie were laying next to each other after a night of non-stop sex. Steve looked at his watch – it was 4am. Angie's was still sleeping but[…]

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New family

New Family by po469 My name is Paul. I'm a couple months short of my 16th birthday. I live with my dad, Nick, but not my mom because she died in a car wreck when[…]

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Ex-sister inlaw

Amber looked out the window of her bedroom and worried. It was pouring outside and she knew her car would not get her all the way to work and back. In fact, she took that[…]

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Lust to the max

It's been a while, a very long time since my 14-year-old self has been "sexually active" as to what the elders call it. But that last time was my first, but unfortunately all I did[…]

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