That son-of-bitch, I thought to myself as I stormed across the courtyard of the hotel. I clinched my fists. My best friend had just called me to let me know my boyfriend was sitting at[…]
Dirty talk – Sex is dirty Inessa was waiting late one night for me to show up at her apartment so I could sign some documents. While waiting she got on the computer and started[…]
Caring for tommy
Caring for Tommy My name is Sarah and I am caring for my neighbor’s little boy Tommy, while she is in hospital having an operation, and I am trying to get him ready for school.[…]
Birds of a feather, chapter 11
Birds of a Feather, Chapter 11 (the new family gathers around) The flock continues to grow along with our sexual experience and our love for each other. Maggie has taken charge like the good mother[…]
The first time
Nate and Hailey always just told everybody that they were best friends from the start. They were, but after they had dated the first time things changed a little bit. There was this attraction and[…]
Listen to your hushand
Having a father who founded a company and made billions can be great, but having that father all a sudden die of a heart attack and leave you will the company before you are even[…]
The pleasure of friendship
Note from the author: I am not a new writer; however, I am a new writer on this website. This is the first story I am posting and I am hoping to post more sequels[…]
The couple in the next apartment building gets kinky
If you don't remember, my name is Megan and I'll admit it, I'm a voyeur. A few years ago I'd say I was ashamed of that fact, but now, I feel just the opposite. It[…]
Out partying
Scavenging through my clothes i settle on a thight black dress that expresses my curves nicely. My big round B cups are propped up on the rim of the dress as my butt pops making[…]
China girl chapter 4
As Suzie and the boy walked along the beach towards the inlet, she found herself slowly losing her nerve. It was as if there were a battle raging within her breast. Outwardly she seemed so[…]
Rider chapter 1
Let's face it. There's nothing new under the sun, is there? My kind of story will have been told a hundred times before. Probably better, hopefully worse. But I'd like to tell you anyway. Imagine:[…]
Hole in the ground (complete)
Chapter 1 Remembering I was born July 25 1940 and my name is Samuel David Grey. I enjoyed learning new languages and could speak and understand seven by the time I graduated from high school.[…]
Singing jasen's song: part 6
The second they both crossed into the apartment, she closed the door behind them. Jasen thought for a moment that he heard the lock click, but wasn't sure. Her eyes were cast downward, moving again[…]
Ruby Lin is 38, actress and singer from Tiwan is in LA, she is showing me round the house, I'm the first visitor she'd had since she moved here, she had met me once in[…]
Mistress journals 2
MARCH 2ND 2007 It had been nearly two weeks since my first session with Mistress Nikki. It had become hard to keep myself busy because all that was ever on my mind was going back[…]
Little time thief ch. 1
Funerals these days are not what they used to be. In the past when a loved one died you had a ceremony, you grieved, family and friends gathered to say good bye and then the[…]