
Dirty talk – Sex is dirty Inessa was waiting late one night for me to show up at her apartment so I could sign some documents. While waiting she got on the computer and started[…]

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Caring for tommy

Caring for Tommy My name is Sarah and I am caring for my neighbor’s little boy Tommy, while she is in hospital having an operation, and I am trying to get him ready for school.[…]

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The first time

Nate and Hailey always just told everybody that they were best friends from the start. They were, but after they had dated the first time things changed a little bit. There was this attraction and[…]

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Out partying

Scavenging through my clothes i settle on a thight black dress that expresses my curves nicely. My big round B cups are propped up on the rim of the dress as my butt pops making[…]

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China girl chapter 4

As Suzie and the boy walked along the beach towards the inlet, she found herself slowly losing her nerve. It was as if there were a battle raging within her breast. Outwardly she seemed so[…]

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Rider chapter 1

Let's face it. There's nothing new under the sun, is there? My kind of story will have been told a hundred times before. Probably better, hopefully worse. But I'd like to tell you anyway. Imagine:[…]

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Ruby Lin is 38, actress and singer from Tiwan is in LA, she is showing me round the house, I'm the first visitor she'd had since she moved here, she had met me once in[…]

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