The thoughts rambling around in my head were interupted by Nancy jumping on the bed causing her breasts to dance as she landed on all fours and asking "What are you two whispering about over[…]
Make me a man
I grew up lusting after Kim she was a beautiful girl, and even then had a reputation for allowing the neighborhood boys have their way with her. I was never so lucky; she always said[…]
Lustful sin & closest kin, part 10
The most frustrating thing about my affair with mom was the huge difference in our sex drives. When she wants it, she is as hot as any woman I’ve known. But her need only grows[…]
A very special 15th birthday part 1
First off i'll describe myself, i am 15, reasonably tall for my age at 6ft with brown hair and blue eyes. I am by no mean what some people deam as "fit" but i am[…]
Hell hath no fury…
[b] Hell Hath No Fury… Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, as they say. Perhaps this isn’t true for all women, but for some it proves to be all too true. Everyone that[…]
Vacation visit with sister
Hi, my husband has tried for years to get me to showoff more around other people but i’m very shy and don’t feel comfortable showing off in public. I’m 34 and we have 3 kids[…]
Claudia incarnata…part v
Being greatly stirred, I turn to where I heard That whisper in the night; And there a breath of light Shines like a silver star. – Urbiciani, Canzonetta c. 1250 AD Claudia beamed a smile[…]
Garret's first impression
My name is Garret; at the time this story took place I was 15. I must admit, I was never a popular child. Maybe it was my attitude, or my way of thinking. Though when[…]
German for vaseline
What's the German word for VASELINE? Ans: Eurweinerslider. story by: The Porn Joker
A suprise meeting
Well where do I begin this adventure?? It started at home where I was not getting much sex from my wife so I decided to start looking for something on the side. I signed up[…]
Daddy's game part 2
Note from the author: I just wanted to take a moment and thank everyone who read my story and liked it. If you didn’t read it because of the breast size, I am so sorry[…]
Another billy saturday
Another Billy Saturday And so it is another Saturday. A day of rest, of relaxation and my friends are pursuing their interests in many places. Tom went golfing. Pete is on the boat for another[…]
Quick and to the point
Pat is sitting on the couch watching tv when he announces that he is going to take a shower. he enters the small bathroom, turning on the water, allowing it to warm up. he pulls[…]
Paying your debt
It was storming outside, one of those typical summer thunder storms with the crash of thunder and torential rain pouring down. I was trying to make my way to the home after a long day[…]
The beginning to my addiction 4
After leaving Ray and Celeste’s house I was a little dejected. When I got home I walked into the house and planted my ass on the couch and turned on the TV. I was channel[…]
Sandra, part 2
One Tuesday night during the week of mid-terms, my girlfriend, Rena, and I were taking advantage of my roommate being stuck in a long evening lab session to enjoy a nice, leisurely fuck. Rena was[…]