A good friend

Story of a good friend It was one of those perfect summers where nothing went wrong and everything was perfect. Except for that fact that I was best friends with a girl I could never[…]

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Please don't

©All rights reserved. I would like to relate an odd but pleasant incident that happened to me a few years ago. There is of course a lovely lady involved. That is the best part of[…]

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It was early March in 1982 when I first fucked Connie. She was working the counter at the dry cleaners. She was a few years older than my thirty years. I believe she was 45,[…]

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A drop of inque

Some people call New York, "Gotham City." Others call it, /> Most call it, "The Big Apple." New York is also the home for all sorts of crazies. They range from self-appointed mercenary groups to[…]

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She sat on my bed on the other side of the game board, knees wide, ankles crossed and tucked under her thighs, concentrating on the game. It was her move and she was moving the[…]

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Nathan or nico?

I walked into my school, looking around nervously. I didn't know what I was going to do. I had recently been given a very difficult choice by two guys I really liked. Nathan, the sensible[…]

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Uses of a teacher

It is a curse of all young teachers, thought Sandra, that they have to do all the shitty work the older hags wouldn’t do. It wasn’t as if she was being paid for doing extra[…]

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