Chapter 4 Three thumping knocks sounded through the door. Dakota showed little shame. From the front room, even through the thick hardwood door, her muffled screams of pleasure would have been heard by the sentries.[…]
Husband uses a sex device on wife (repost)
Husband and wife are about to have sex, the husband turns off the lights and they have sex, this keeps up for a long time, the wife asks ' why do you turn off the[…]
At age 64 chapter 5
At Age 64 Chapter V Written by-Draggonfly Originally published on Literotica Published here with permission I take George to meet John and Cathy I talked to John the other day and told him about my[…]
Obsession, lust and perversion – chapter 20
CHAPTER 20 They spent the rest of the day, sitting on the deck in the warm Colorado sun, talking and just relaxing. They had dinner, watched some TV and decided to shoot some pool. Colin[…]
Wifes first mfm, what a night
It started out as a night out with plans to meet a guy we have been talking with for a while, and did the night go so very well. we have done the fmf and[…]
Salvation ch. 27 david's painful lessons
David Miller is fourteen, and forever getting into trouble with his teachers at Avondale, but Lady Bennett his sponsor, enjoyed nothing more than to watch the young Adonis as he struggled to cope with the[…]
She was young
…. She had long blond hair, slim built with hot legs, small tits and a beautiful face and lips. She was a shy girl. I noticed she had a unconscious habit of tapping her fingers[…]
Someone to talk to
My continuing exploration After that night with Josh we both got up at around nine and had to be ready by ten. So we each quickly took a shower and decided to grab something from[…]
4 some
Well to start off i will discribe me… I am 5'10 Brown Hair Brown Eyes I am 130 Lbs. I work out every other day I am very strong and i show it I am[…]
Bored in spain
I've recently divorced and am now single again. I'm bisexuel. I'm not really looking for any long term relationships and enjoy having my own place and my independance again. My favourite sex is with a[…]
Buy one, get one free
Michael decided to take the night off from his escort work, as a night out on the town was just what he needed to recharge his batteries after a really hectic week. Pier 22, was[…]
My secretary
Let me tell you what happened to me at work about a month ago. I'm self-employed and have a small office primarily for telephone soliciting. I have three women working for me. Two of them[…]
Starting out
My name is Gloria and my husband and i have been married for over 8 years we have a great sex life but after so long it begins to get in a rut we started[…]
Amgel 3
Angel 3 This is a fantasy. Any resemblance to real people or places is coincidental. In addition, people and animals can do things normally not possible. /> After Angel was dry, she put her high[…]
Something different
And I was happy to oblige you. First, I carefully covered your eyes with a silk blindfold, tying it securely behind your head and leaving you in the dark, still with no idea of my[…]
The bus depot
Lindsey McCord watched intently as each bus slipped into it's parking place and unloaded the passengers. It was two in the morning and the old bus depot had an eerieness about it at that time[…]