Sara, part 2

The following morning proved to be remarkably normal. Too normal, in light of what had happened between Sara and Mark; and it worried him. It was a Saturday, and Mark's parents were up early as[…]

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I think there is something wrong with me. I’m so hungry, and thirsty and cold. Why do I feel like this? Do I need help? My friends used to tell me all about how these[…]

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A lesson for liz

Chapter 1 Sam and his younger sister Liz met for coffee one afternoon this summer. Sam and Liz had never been very close, mainly because Sam was 11 years older than his younger sister Elizabeth[…]

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This a real True story I hope this give you the wet dreams I have had. The first time I met Bobbie was when I went to fix her computer at her home. She older[…]

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A good thank you

She sat in the restaurant, alone, waiting for her date. She wore a silky red dress with a slit up high on her thigh, revealing long, slim legs that went on for miles. The back[…]

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The voltaire

Dr. Louis van Haugh rode alone in the backseat of his personal limousine. It was nightfall, and he stared out of the window to watch the lights of the big city whiz by. Louis had[…]

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Student lesbians 2

Sam and Lisa As the weeks gone by, Lisa and Sam’s friends started to notice they were getting closer. Lisa and Sam started to walk around the university holding hands, they would always go out[…]

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At the playground

She showed up at the playground, when I first noticed her. My toddler daughter was playing on the structure with the ropes and slide and stuff right in the middle of the place and there[…]

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