Bens girl harem

Chapter One: Sorceress charming Sitting on her chair bored out of her mind was a petite girl with long silvery hair wearing a dark purple nighthgown that matched her lipstick and mascara color, she was[…]

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Delicate asian doll

I introduced myself to Yunjin when she arrived at my beach estate. We walked up the beach and over a grassy sand-dune down to an old Toyota Landcruiser utility parked under a big old tree.[…]

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College crush 2

My verbal flow was suddenly halted as I felt a hand gently clasp my chin and turn my head to the left. I was abruptly silenced as Holly leant forward and planted a long, lingering,[…]

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My card

It's a rainy night, you are out getting some new lingerie, and the entrance to the store crashes open. You jump and turn around, seeing a tall dark man standing in the doorway. Lightning strikes[…]

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