Chapter Three I was suddenly awakened by frantic ringing of the door-bell. Sophie’s head was resting on my arm, she was still sound asleep. I carefully removed my arm from under her, grabbed my boxers[…]
A night i'll never forget
The night that I will never forget and that I will never have again happened on June 20th 2010 on the port of Barcelona on the Independence of the Seas room 9666. My name is[…]
Caught by sis – part 1
I had been thinking about it all day, at least ever since gym class in school. You see there is this boy named Josh. Josh is a good friend and a really good-looking dude. My[…]
The creators chapter 2 (rewrite)
Authors note (PLEASE READ): this is one of the first stories I have ever written so please excuse me if my grammar is not up to par with most authors. I will continue to work[…]
A new anal virgin is broken in, ( 6 )
Yesterday had gone well, with 4 guys we both had plently of fun, and all going well, the rest of the week should be as good too. Tuesday morning, I gave Pauline a quick fuck,[…]
Ann's happy again
Chapter 1 “It’s a fantastic idea, Beth, they’ll love it!” My younger sister had just explained her idea of taking our parents away for a holiday in the sun to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary,[…]
Phenom- part 1
Mike helped me put the bar back on the bench hold, and I answered my phone. I greeted. “Rick? It’s Dad. We got the Young’s house for the week in South Beach.” “No way! This[…]
A happy couple
Erin has asked me to write a little something here about the two of us and our life together. To be honest, I can’t. Not because I’m lazy, you understand. No, it’s because beyond a[…]
Helping hands
Sunday morning, the phone rang. It was Alicia, the lady next door “Hey, Mike,” she said. “Do you know anything about DVD /> “A little bit,” I said. “How come?” not working,” she said. “I[…]
Jessica part 9 judi gets involved
Jessica – Part 9, With Judi Prologue: After years of suffering from a series of seemingly unrelated health issues, Judi finally found a doctor a few months ago who made the connections and put her[…]
The artifact-part 7
My use of the artifact had become second nature by now…and I knew that I had barely scratched the surface of what lie behind those doors. I planned to create some of the more uplifting[…]
My uncle gf 3
RECAP from 1st story I was 15 she was 21 1 night she came into my room we had sex.Then my uncle came in and ruined the whole thing RECAP from last story I went[…]
This morning
I arrived at work this morning as planned, and went directly into M’s office. A few pleasantries were exchanged before we got down to business. “I want you to crawl over to me,” he said.[…]
Stacy's story
This is one for fans of erotica, rather than wall to wall sex. If you like it leave a positive vote and I might just let you have the second part My name is[…]
A risky night out
I tap my foot nervously on the hardwood floor of the apartment I share with my roommate and her boyfriend and my girlfriend. A jingle of keys outside of the door makes me stand up.[…]
Fantasies: chapter 1
Hi everyone I would just like to thank you very much for choosing this story to read. This is my first time posting anything like this up on the web, but not the first[…]