Ann's happy again

Chapter 1 “It’s a fantastic idea, Beth, they’ll love it!” My younger sister had just explained her idea of taking our parents away for a holiday in the sun to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary,[…]

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Phenom- part 1

Mike helped me put the bar back on the bench hold, and I answered my phone. I greeted. “Rick? It’s Dad. We got the Young’s house for the week in South Beach.” “No way! This[…]

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A happy couple

Erin has asked me to write a little something here about the two of us and our life together. To be honest, I can’t. Not because I’m lazy, you understand. No, it’s because beyond a[…]

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Helping hands

Sunday morning, the phone rang. It was Alicia, the lady next door “Hey, Mike,” she said. “Do you know anything about DVD /> “A little bit,” I said. “How come?” not working,” she said. “I[…]

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The artifact-part 7

My use of the artifact had become second nature by now…and I knew that I had barely scratched the surface of what lie behind those doors. I planned to create some of the more uplifting[…]

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This morning

I arrived at work this morning as planned, and went directly into M’s office. A few pleasantries were exchanged before we got down to business. “I want you to crawl over to me,” he said.[…]

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A risky night out

I tap my foot nervously on the hardwood floor of the apartment I share with my roommate and her boyfriend and my girlfriend. A jingle of keys outside of the door makes me stand up.[…]

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