Proper Planning Prevents Pregnancy by Sivad2 Fortunately, I have a couple of older brothers that I'm close to. Also fortunately, guys mature much slower than girls. So. Even in high school I have more of[…]
Jane – the sequel
After a few minutes rest just savouring the relief we had given each other and exchanging a few tender words as lovers do, Jane on top of me and held close by my arms round[…]
Curing evan
When a teenage girl's brother tells her he might be gay, she puts her mind to figuring out a way to "cure" him. Any guesses as to what way she decides on? Anyone? Anyone? What?[…]
The raping of alex, pt. 1
There is always someone like that. The beautiful women who was aware of the fact that every other women in the room will be jealous. In my case, it was a chick named Alex. She[…]
What should have been (redeux) episode 1
Three years ago, I released this story on this site to mixed reviews. I have edited the story, mostly for grammar and spelling, and here it is, re-released. I will be doing the other three[…]
Teacher gets a hard look
Mr. Higgins, History professor, was a little dismayed as he began to start the class. A glance around the room as he entered confirmed that Janice, the object of his pleasure in teaching this class[…]
Good neighbourhood. chapter 1
Chapter 1. Dreaming of her boyfriend. A usual family that consisted of three persons moved from a small town into a big city. They were Clair, Tom and their 15-years-old daughter Kate. The life in[…]
Cucks first day!
So one day right I'm at work talking real freaky with my girl all day. We having one of those days where we haven't had sexnin awhile and we're both turned on so we're gonna[…]
Mystical journeys
Her beauty stemmed like a rose. Her hair having the essence of a garden in spring. And her eyes glowed with the truth of love… She stood, breathtakingly on the crest looking up at the[…]
Good friends
Chapter 1 It was a small party of ten couples and a few unattached men and women and it was, to Helga Cooper's mind, rather a stuffy affair. Everyone seemed to be standing in little[…]
A good start to summer part ii
The sun spread over my naked body, making my skin warm. It quickly spread to my eyes and I was awoken, sprawled across bed and body; the body of Kyle. His legs were dangling over[…]
Sitters secret desire becomes reality
This takes place in an average small Midwest town Jack and his wife, Sharon live just out of town. They also have a baby girl, Ashley who is six months old. They reside in a[…]
Difference between meat and fish
What is the difference between meat and fish? Ans: If you beat your fish, it will die. story by: The Porn Joker
Lucy's tale (part 7)
Part Seven My exhaustion from my day of incredible sex was total. I feigned a little sunstroke and with my Mum being, well, a Mum, she gave me some painkiller and packed me off to[…]
Excepting a ride with an older man
Excepting A Ride With an Older Man Making One of My wife's many Fantasy's Come True! My wife has had numerous fantasy's and this was one she had as a young girl around the age[…]
Man with five dicks
Did you hear about the man that had 5 dicks? Ans: His underwear fit like a glove! story by: The Porn Joker