SEX IN SCHOOL – PART TWO by – Anonymous In Part One I told you about my introduction to oral sex, which was the answer to my problem with mathematics. I was in this fancy[…]
Pop racer's assistant
**co-writing with my friend from Imagefap, Reddwarf** It is late in the evening in the dark garage, the white Mach 5 raised up on a lift as Pop stands underneath it, reaching up overhead into[…]
Is watching illegal?
i used as little punctuation as possible since i noticed that it did chanced in a few letters and symbols. let me know what you think about the story! Enjoy and who knows, this might[…]
The beauty salon
The beauty salon opportunity… Jessica had been to her usual beauty salon,it didn't take much to maintain her beauty, but pampering herself was one of her vices…..whilst there she was chatting to the owner,sally,they were[…]
Accepting multiple sessions
Courtney is 25 never married, petite slender body, small firm breasts, and long black hair. She is my temporary personal assistant, she lives with me and travels with me. She never realized that she was[…]
In the beginning: chapter one
Preamble: Most of the Mike Claymore mysteries were written in the 1999 to 2004 period during a depressing period in my life. The writing period was culminated by a tragic loss that left me disinterested[…]
My Lover Worships Me
He kept moving down until he reached my pussy. I opened my legs because I was so ready to be licked, but instead he did something that no guy has ever done before. He laid[…]
The carny
It was always the same in every little town and hamlet that the carnival stopped in. Walt would try and hook up with some of the local talent for the four or five days they[…]
Aunty pam chapter 3
I sat staring at the clock in the classroom. It was 2:45 on a Friday afternoon, meaning just another 15 minutes until the weekend. I was excited to say the least, and not just because[…]
Girlfriend's fantasy becomes reality
One day I decided to join an online dating site, I didn't really expect anything real to come from it.. after going through profiles of women I matched with, and getting no replies. I gave[…]
Making a cake
A boy and his dad go to the beach and there is a couple making out, so the boy asks his father what they are doing. His dad replies, making a cake." The boy says,[…]
My little angel
She stood there, in the hall, wearing a short summer dress tight over her budding breasts and loose and frilly, cut short on her long lean thighs. She smiles at me and rushed into my[…]
Carol's craving
/> <b>By Charm /> <I>(c) 2001 Charmbrights. All rights reserved. The author has asserted the moral rights under sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act /> <b>Carol and /> Coming away[…]
And the world goes dark (pt 1)
It's quiet through the streets as Maggie makes her way home, holding her purse to her chest and walking quickly. She hopes the silence is on her side, that no one is lurking as she[…]
Will's new old home: part 12
Amy walked through the halls of the UCSD Medical Center, wearing pink scrubs and white nurses’s shoes. Her long blond hair was tied in a bun, she had on red lipstick and black mascara, which[…]
Mages' pratice
Sorry for the last one writing on a phone and writing on a laptop are two different things, especially if the keyboard on a phone is incredibly small. Anyway this is going to be a[…]