My first time

I had never met him in person but we were in a very serious relationship. He lived in Alabama and I lived in New York. We had been talking exclusively for almost a year. One[…]

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Biker gangbang

It was the Friday afternoon, before the Holiday Weekend, and I was driving the car to the ‘Biker Rally’ and ‘Rock Festival’, when I realized that I had a ‘slow puncture’. My husband, Craig, had[…]

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A summer 'job'

Chapter I The summer before I left for college, I was trying to make extra money. Besides my full time job at a nearby Amusement Park (Action Park for those who care), I had put[…]

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Take my picture

"Jake, your two thirty is here," Kiki informed her boss, photographer, Jake Klein. Without looking up from the proofs he was reviewing, he replied, "Set her up in studio three, and get the lighting set[…]

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Purely scientific

Sophie sat in the lecture theatre, pen in hand, scribbling notes as her lecturer Dr Tim Spencer finished up his lesson on testosterone. Sliding her large glasses back up her nose, Sophie underlined several lines[…]

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