Gotta go right now

Gotta Go Right Now There has been a commercial on television for some pill that will control your bladder. It has this stupid little jingle that I can’t get out of my head because my[…]

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My life part 5

Part 5 of ? I awoke with the Smell of something delicious in the air. Kelly was still asleep next to me. I got up and got dressed. I wondered around still a sore from[…]

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Yearly vacation

Every year, my mother, brother, and I would took a vacation upstate to see family. There we would stay at my Uncle Ron and Aunt Cindy's house. Living there was my 12 year old cousin[…]

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My sisters part 3

I woke up smelling pancakes and syrup. I opened my eyes and sniffed again. Definitely pancakes and syrup. I had my arm around Riley, my nose almost touching her long, blonde hair. She was laying[…]

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Copyright 2001 by FK Publications “ What the fuck’s this?” “It’s your cut…the seventy five percent you always take!” “ You mean to tell me that’s all you can that ass of yours is worth[…]

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Daves sister

I’d known Dave for three years. When I started comprehensive school he had become a good friend of mine, and I regularly went over to his house to hang out. We’d usually play video games,[…]

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The appointment

Chet nervously looked at his watch for the third time in the last five minutes. What in the hell had gotten into him, was he out of his mind?!? Meeting a woman in person he[…]

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