New roommate 3

i woke up the next moring feeling like shit. my back was in pieces, i felt a massive pounding in my head and i had a feeling i did something really stupid. I could feel[…]

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Mrs dot

Chapter 1 I guess this is England not empire bay. England, 1964, I was an 18 year old apprentice living at home with my parents, as pretty much all teenagers did back then. Although technically[…]

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Stories come true

I’d been watching her for weeks, keeping track of her routine. She was such a creature of habit. I quickly came to know what time she rose in the morning and how long it took[…]

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That night

Well, this is my first story. I'm sorry if it bores you or is not that original, I'm still working on my writing skill. I agree it's not the best but I'm hoping it's not[…]

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