Dress Sexy (MF, mast, oral, tits) © 2005 Rhys.The.Mage I was constantly badgering my wife to wear things I thought were sexy. Problem was, not only did we have different ideas about the definition of[…]
Last one to know, chapter five
LAST TO KNOW, CHAPTER FIVE I thought I was dreaming. My cock was hard and something was griping then releasing it. I slowly opened my eyes and realized I was not dreaming. My hard cock[…]
The party
== The Party by LO == I was sitting alone, watching TV, when the boy peeked around the edge of the door and then came into the family room. He came over and sat down[…]
Me and my brothers chapter xi
XI. One for the Road Before Bruce and Marty returned I got in the shower. When I got out of the shower, I dried off and wrapped a bath towel around me and went to[…]
The amazing life of toothpick part 3 ( midnight party part 2 the ending of the old and the beginning of the new)
“Oh my god Sara what the hell are you doing?” “What does it look like? I’m fucking you’re wee little dick, with my ass.” “Fuck, I know that, but why the fucks are you…. She[…]
Family circus – ch. 4
Drifting, drifting I dozed off and was sleeping soundly when I was awakened by Vickie's voice. "Bobby, you awake?" I looked at my alarm clock – 2:00 AM. "Yes, I'm awake now, Vickie." I realized[…]
The season of hunting
THE SEASON OF HUNTING It is the spring, the season of my hunting, And I'm awaken from the winter doze, I'm a volcano which begins erupting, The smell of love fills my perceptive nose!.. I[…]
Precious gem twin sisters, ch 5 ruby and sybian night
Precious Gem Twin Sisters Chapter 5 – Ruby and Sybian Night Ruby called me up one Monday night and told me to come over. As I arrived, I saw that Diamond's car was there too.[…]
Melody of the mountains
O, i dream her bosoms lush, sway to and fro with ev'ry thrust; our tongues entwined, yet still we blush, I hope thee tight with sweaty lust. Thy lively nipples swell and harden, fingers frolick[…]
Just the start
May 1, 2014, Today is the second day with a new owner, Master James, but first I need to start with an introduction, my name is Kayleigh but I am also known as slave, slut,[…]
My first time a blog/story
So the name is Vincent. I am a white male and for a lot of my life I was not interested in men. But I guess over time I got drawn to them. So I[…]
It was a rainy Saturday evening as I pulled off of I-35W off ramp, beneath the Adult Video sign. San Antonio, Texas is a hot bed of great Adult Video places. I was looking for[…]
Kumiko – part 2: waking up
Again, this is part 2 of the repost! /> Introduction: Part 2 of the Kumiko Series. Part 3 already being written! Shorter than the last one but part 3 is on its way. Like always,[…]
The contest
Last summer my husband and I were at a swingers party with some friends and one of the games was a deep throat contest. my friends were encouraging me to join the contest but I[…]
Back on the road
Back on the road, Well, here I am again, heading home after a week visiting friends in Indiana. I always take I70 across Missouri as there are a lot of rest stops on it and[…]
Siblings and lovers part 1
Prologue I glanced at the sky as my father unlocked the door, it was dark out but I guess that was to be expected we had been driving for 8 hours, I looked back and[…]