Second story of 7 days. day to starts off with a wonderful wake up, followed by a steamy shower, romantic walks on the beach, dinner, and all that sappy stuff… i hope you enjoy and[…]
A chance encounter part iv
Chance Encounter Part IV Later that Morning around 1030 AM Marie rolled over, and cuddled against the warmth she felt, when she opened her eyes and saw Jer, She was a little startled. Then she[…]
Caught masturbating
Which should most be lost contending, Darting fierce and flaming kisses, Plunging into boundless blisses; Our bodies, and our souls on fire. Tost by a tempest of Desire; Till with utmost fury driven, Down, at[…]
A last breath. part 2. a meeting.
The club virtually shakes from the deep pumping bass emiting from speakers on every wall , the dark lighting hides many tables and small alcoves around the room. The girls push past the mass of[…]
Blonde needs to call mom in poland
A blonde goes into a world wide message center to send a message to her mother in Poland. When the man tells her it will be $300, she exclaims. "I don't have any money.. but[…]
Impregnating sarah part 11
Part 11—Sarah is air tight Sarah lay on her back and stretched contentedly, her arms reached far above her head stretching the muscles in her shoulders that had tightened as she supported herself during Dr.[…]
A wife'sfantasy
As I came from work I was tired but highly aroused by the text I had received from my husband in the early afternoon. All it said was “Get ready for a hard night. Remember[…]
Legendary shy: ch 4
Legendary Shy Chapter 4 On the car ride back I noticed a couple of bikes following me, I picked up my phone and called home to see if anyone was there, after a few rings[…]
sighed Hanna Cord out loud, "the last appointment of the day!" And it had been a long day, up at six, first appointment at 7:30, drive thirty miles through heavy traffic for her ten o'clock,[…]
My friend's dad 16
“So what's going on with you two?” I asked. “Well, we just got some more news to share with you two,” Jeanette said in a sad tone. My mind went straight to the worst, what[…]
Wigi wigi wild wild west
Wigi wigi wild wild west! -Digimon lemon for Iceflame 88's contest by MISTER BIG T After MISTER BIG T made the Bam bam shiga wang lemon, AIDS (All Intelligent Digimon Servants) got angry from it,[…]
My twin sisters
It was the day before Thanksgiving and we had family coming for the annual feast. My twin sisters, Sandy and Sheila, were arriving today from college, so I was told to hurry up and get[…]
Cynthia 1
I suppose everyone has heard of the classic movie Christmas Story, set in the 40s about a young boy, Ralphie, who wants nothing but a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas. After many let-downs by[…]
Just a bus ride…honest 4
My body began to stir, piece by piece, my brain was throwing back on all the switches, though it was my ears that came on first, and this is what I heard: “…ook I'm sorry,[…]
Family that plays together- 2
"What is it your brother wouldn't do?" Ward had to raise his voice above the noise of the freeway as he shifted into fourth gear, the sports car running smoothly in the direction of his[…]
Cindy, gail and elizabeth meet
Elizabeth meets Cindy and Gail Elizabeth had gone down to do some laundry when she overheard Gail and Cindy talking about some of the clients they had had. Elizabeth listened for awhile and then stepped[…]