Jen's wild night out

One day, as the wind whispered soft promises of meadows blooming with spring and lazy streams with blue gills pussy willows robin red breast blue birds and soft sarsaparilla sodas, Jen Jizzwhistle wanted to get[…]

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Ivy revealed

11-25-2008, 03:11 PM #39 *'s IVY Newcumer Join Date: Oct 2008 Posts: 5 A long story, but worth it /> Very few people know I'm bi. I didn't realize it myself til 2yrs ago. Being[…]

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The mofo (part 2)

At Andrea’s house, she and Kathryn were having coffee and talking about men and sex. "I never have trouble attracting guys" said Andrea, "but the ones I pick never seem to do it for me.[…]

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Subtle seduction

Alison Barnett, or Alley as her friends and family called her, entered the house after school one afternoon in a particularly grumpy mood. One of the girls at her high school was really getting on[…]

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Gym bang 1

Based on a real event. Eric sat in the deserted sauna, relaxing after a good work-out. His demanding career left him with little free time, but Eric stuck to his discipline of regular exercise even[…]

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No baby planes

A mother and her son were flying Southwest Airlines from Kansas City to Chicago. The son (who had been looking out the window) turned to his mother and asked, "If big dogs have baby dogs[…]

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