What vcr?

I have had my eye on Eric since he started tending bar at the restaurant I worked at. We’d had some casual conversations, but nothing that seemed to lead anywhere. It was frustrating as hell.[…]

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Alone time

Bye” John said as he step out of the door. I smiled as I heard the click of the door I was finally alone and with much need of it. I was a single mom[…]

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Author: male raised in a rural area with not much to do when growing up, luckily sex was a big part of life in those days. While of average height and looks I was pretty[…]

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Walk in the park

Jaquon and I had been chatting online for about a month,and finally arranged a personal meeting.my favorite place to go and relax,is the park down the street from my house.i figured that would be the[…]

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Sex education

Stephanie, at my school, is the hottest girl there is. At fourteen she only had A sized Breasts, but her adorable face and thin waist made her an ASSet to any fuck-happy male. Now, my[…]

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Sister in law visits

Sister in law visits She is my sister-in-law. That little detail hasn't stopped me from getting crazy thoughts about the things I'd like to do with her. Ever since I met her, I've had this[…]

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