Vengeance 9

Ellie and I woke up at about the same time, and we simply lay there for a while, the rise and fall of our breaths pressing against each other. She slid up and kissed me,[…]

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Her wish

Chapter I: Introduction Only one month into the new school year and she was already fed up with it. Not a single interesting person in the entire school and not even anyone interested in her.[…]

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The rush pt. 5

6 hours after she’d come home and embarked on her joint sexual relationship with her mom and sister, Melissa was standing in the shower, calmly washing the dried cum and milk off her body. Janice[…]

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Tyler's first day

Tyler suddenly woke from bed as his alarm sounded off suddenly beside him. He quickly tried to turn off his alarm before it awakened his roommate too. Tyler sat up in bed and rubbed his[…]

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Young couple

Well this is the story. (;  once apon a time there was a young couple and they were going to Hawaii because the guy saved up enough money to take them. So they hvent ever[…]

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A fericous girl

I woke up that morning with not a thought in my mind. My brother's friend was coming over that night and I could only think of his amazing hot sister. The reason my brother's friend[…]

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