Tying daddy

Earlier, you came in and told me you wanted to teach me about my body, then, kissed me. You played with my breasts and my kitty. You made me feel SO good. But, I didn’t[…]

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Flipping the switch

He’s sitting there, telling me about Corey’s recent visit to the vet and I’m wondering to myself how it is that he turns the switch off and on so effortlessly. It’s almost as though he’s[…]

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The next day

It's about six o' clock in the morning, as you pleasantly awake to find me licking your pussy with my long and maneuverable tongue…… "You haven't had enough yet" you asked. I must be licking[…]

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Special delivery

The story below is told by a close female friend: I am currently traveling throughout Europe by myself. Traveling alone has given me lots of time to think, to remember things, to develop courage and[…]

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