Toward the end of the week, I was in the kitchen helping out with some dishes when Bobby came down the stairs. “Kellie, come here a second.” He called. I finished rinsing off the plate[…]
Oh god i could use a good fuck
NOTE: I would like to thank a fan that left me a private message a while ago. I told her that I liked her name Gina and that I probable had not used it in[…]
Candy and me
Candy loves cum, and I can cum multiple times. I'm not talking that bullshit you read in porn mags where you just bring yourself as close to orgasm as you can then back off. I'm[…]
The rape club, story 1, robs tale
The Rape Club – Story 1 – Robs first Rob’s fingers trembled as he anxiously opened the brown envelope he had just picked up at the post office. It would contain all the information necessary[…]
Barnes and noble girl, part iii
It was near closing time and Sandra standing behind the customer service counter in the middle of the store, looking over her employees getting ready for closing. Jenny was closing the cash registers and baristas[…]
Prowling for new conquest
‘I feel it,’ she whispered, her voice rasping from the ache that was throbbing everywhere, but nowhere more than where his cock pressed through the layers between them. She kept her gaze on his mouth[…]
Katlin and missy: ch 4 – sunrise
I suppose Mark is my dream lover. I have this fantasy about men a bit older than me. I suppose I want to be Missy and Katlin and now Sunrise who's known as Jenny off[…]
Gay sex in latex
Gay Sex In Latex I am gay and have a HUGE latex fetish. I have had several friends who share my love of latex clothing who are gay and that I have had experiences with[…]
Have hands–will travel –jamie
Maryland , USA — Friday This is a fantasy that might come true one day. It involves me, a semi-retired Erotic Massage Therapist, and an underage teen we will call Jamie. Jamie is 5' 2”[…]
Cock worshipper – part 4: eighteen
Cock Worshipper – Part 4: Eighteen When I was18 is when I came out to everyone, although no one was surprised and I think I always had that look about me. It was shortly after[…]
5 free as a bee 6 rate, deflate n date bait
[b]5 FREE AS A BEE The same three guys don’t have a ride home, so Sean kindly takes them. When Jeff gets out, no one is home. “I can’t leave you home alone. Come to[…]
Rich boys love 54
me and harvey had a massive argument over his dad so when we woke up it was a usual morning harvey made me some breakfast and we had a shower together. when we was getting[…]
My old english teacher
I was anxiously waiting alone in the house, pacing around the living room, watching out the window for him to come. I was nervous and confused and had no idea what this was about. What[…]
Dani and danny, part 2 & 3
A couple of days went by as Dani was busy with some friends from high school. Danny couldn't get over his last encounter with his sister. He'd close his eyes and see her there in[…]
Families pain 2
Melanie has nice brown hair and is average height for an 18 year old. She has little waist but nice big full breast that are perky. She has a small but that can be worked[…]
A bowl of ice cream
A young boy is in the kitchen about to get some ice cream out of the freezer when his Mom walks in. "Don't eat that ice cream! It'll spoil your appetite", his Mom nags "Dinner[…]