Rye bread

Two older men are sitting on a park bench talking and one of them asks the other about his sex life. The man answers that he has an excellent sex life and is still very[…]

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Put it in me

You know what? Terrance Rodgers is a dumb bitch. A dumb sexy hot gourgous beautiful stunning BITCH. Hes the quarter back of our foot ball team… He's perfectly built his chocolate skin so smooth and[…]

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Emma 02

I awoke by the sweet and velvety smell of baking. It was Christmas Eve and my mum was getting ready for the party that she and my dad were attending later in the evening. I[…]

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To forget for a moment

St. Mary’s Cemetery was a beautiful old graveyard with rows and rows of fancy monuments and statues. There was no doubt that most who had been buried here had led successful lives. The mausoleums were[…]

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Tutor abused and broken

The class sat around the table, starting into space as Kate, the tutor, droned on mechanically about international relations. Smith used this time to let his mind wonder. Wonder over to the tutor, that is.[…]

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New identity

It had always been a fantasy of mine. I have very feminine features and long natural straight brown hair. Which recently I had shortened to chin length. I have been dressing in womens clothing now[…]

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