It was a dream, or at least it seemed like it was a dream. Two shadowy figures had broken into my home in the middle of the afternoon and drugged me. Then two more figures,[…]
"a young teacher"
“A Young Teacher” By Blueheatt high school, I was doing ok with a few girls, but I found I loved the challenge of getting in their panties the fun part. After I had fucked them,[…]
Miss blue dress
That dress slashed to the thigh, I will trace it with my tongue. The belt that cinches it at the waist Shall become a ring of kisses. Those hips will cut me I know, If[…]
Louise and niece diane
Louise and niece Diane ( Asian slut wife story , Philippines) She was Diane , Roy’s ( my husband ) 18 year old niece , she and her family lives on the other town ([…]
Females rule
All his life he had deferred to females. They ruled. The Females did. He had heard stories of when it was the other way around, but things had changed. Slowly, women got equal pay, equal[…]
Mistress iona 2
Mistress Iona 2 One day when I came to Iona there was already a naked young man around 20 there on his knees in front of her licking her tits as she was sitting in[…]
Wining and dining
I recieved a phone call from the station manager in Lexington Ky telling me one of the anchor/reporter is interested in moving to Dallas. I sent my private jet to fly Ellen to meet with[…]
A cruise with my granddaughter, final part
When we finally went to bed that evening, Kristy was so worn out that I had to carry her in and tucked her between the sheets. Curling up against her nakedness, she cooed in my[…]
Fertility service for wealthy private clients
My law firm offers exclusive services for wealthy clients. One of these services is fertility service using the natural method. Women seeking this service must be refered by her lawyer. The service is for a[…]
The day her dream came true
To start off.. my wife has always had a thing for meeting a guy and being gang banged…well i decided to set something up with a few guys that go to this bar that we[…]
An anal retentive couple tries anal
Author’s note/What to expect: This story is in the HUMOR category, intended (whether successfully or not) to be funny. It's full of sex too, with anal sex as the main storyline, plus both spouses having[…]
Something a little different (revised story list and themes.)
This is the first story of a much longer story arc, which is best read in the order of the List at the end. Translation of German words or phrases at the end. However, I[…]
Amandine 2
I had to month to make a plan and find Amandine’s address. The first part was quite easy: I could show the videotape to Amandine, blackmail her and obtain what I wanted. That was the[…]
Cross dressed, fucked, and loving it!
I heard them knock at the door a few minutes after seven. I would normally just think showing up a few minutes after the scheduled time appropriate. However, knowing what I was getting myself into[…]
One hot summer
The pool was warm, the air was cool and the sky was bright with stars. I have known him for years, and we have flirted for as long as I can remember. As we swam[…]
Last one to know, chapter five
LAST TO KNOW, CHAPTER FIVE I thought I was dreaming. My cock was hard and something was griping then releasing it. I slowly opened my eyes and realized I was not dreaming. My hard cock[…]