"a young teacher"

“A Young Teacher” By Blueheatt high school, I was doing ok with a few girls, but I found I loved the challenge of getting in their panties the fun part. After I had fucked them,[…]

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Miss blue dress

That dress slashed to the thigh, I will trace it with my tongue. The belt that cinches it at the waist Shall become a ring of kisses. Those hips will cut me I know, If[…]

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Females rule

All his life he had deferred to females. They ruled. The Females did. He had heard stories of when it was the other way around, but things had changed. Slowly, women got equal pay, equal[…]

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Wining and dining

I recieved a phone call from the station manager in Lexington Ky telling me one of the anchor/reporter is interested in moving to Dallas. I sent my private jet to fly Ellen to meet with[…]

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Amandine 2

I had to month to make a plan and find Amandine’s address. The first part was quite easy: I could show the videotape to Amandine, blackmail her and obtain what I wanted. That was the[…]

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