
Marci reluctantly hung up the phone. It certainly is a treat for her, to be talking to me again so soon, so late at night. She looks around her, dark, empty apartment wishing I was[…]

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Stranger on a train

Missy Edwards stared out the window and marveled at the Nevada scenery! she mumbled to herself, as the landscape of rock, desert, and mountains flew by while she relaxed in comfort on the Amtrak super[…]

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Jackie' surprise

CHAPTER ! It's hot out and the air conditioning in my car isn't working. The thruway is loud with the windows down, the radio is blasting and I'm feeling windburned. When I pull in your[…]

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~Please note, this might be rather extensive and may take a while getting into the good stuff, so please be patient and enjoy, and remember, im always open for comments and ideas for other stories![…]

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Unwelcome trip

Friday afternoon and she was excited. It’s been about seven years since she has seen her friend Jill. She was packing her bags for a weekend with her friend. And then load it in the[…]

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Locked out

Will was very unhappy when he got home. He made the mistake of walking. Foolish boy. It took him about an hour to get home from school if he walked. About ten minutes if he[…]

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