Justine, upon seeing the One she had come to know, before her and in person, felt shivers up her spine that made her shake inside. Yet, she was under enough control to not show this[…]
Jeremy part two
Hi, it’s Jeremy again. The next time my mother allowed me to get a glimpse of her naked body I did exactly what Jenny suggested. It had been about three or four weeks after my[…]
Chloe (you're the one i want
One fine day a girl named Chloe, a Freshman at Dessen High School, was hanging out in Spanish class with her friends when the new Senior, Kyle, walked into class. He’s only been at Dessen[…]
Excepting a ride with an older man!
Excepting a Ride With An Older Man! This was another of my wife's fantasy's as a very young girl and the name she chose was Diane, one of her alter ego's she uses a lot[…]
Discoveries with mack
I know this sounds a little cliche on my part, but here it goes. I’ve known I was gay for a long time, probably back before I even knew what it meant. I guess I[…]
Brother in-law part 1
We met in 1983. I was a little more than eleven at the time. At first I couldn’t stand Michael. I thought he was a jerk, who always had a rude remark or answered in[…]
What lena wants – chapter 6
Hello lovelies! Here is chapter six. I hope you like it! If you have any suggestions on what you would like to see Lena and Milo do, let me know! Xoxo, Cede ——– Milo’s car[…]
Extra credit: spring semester
Word had gotten out about Marlena’s encounter with her students at the end of the fall semester. Some of the faculty, as well as students had been gossiping ever since. It was mostly pieces of[…]
Sex in the sinity
It was a dark and windy nite. Just kidding, but we had just come back from the club, and were hot and horny for some kind of sexual adventure. We decided to surf/look thru our[…]
Milk and cookies
“So you’re going off to college,” Mary Peters said to the young man who was painting her house. “In another couple of weeks, Kerry Kimball replied between brush strokes. “My, my,” she sighed while fanning[…]
Lightning ch 1
Look could you please comment because this is my first story ever and I was going to add sex but thought of adding it on the next chapter I know lame right so please comment[…]
Lust to the max
It's been a while, a very long time since my 14-year-old self has been "sexually active" as to what the elders call it. But that last time was my first, but unfortunately all I did[…]
Brandi and jessica halloween
Brandi is my escort, i pay her to have sex with me. There is much more to it than that though, she is like my girlfriend. Since i started using her she has limited herself[…]
The 120 days of sodom – 23 – part1, the twenty-second day
THE TWENTY-SECOND DAY As a result of these all-night bacchanals, exceedingly little was accomplished on the twenty-second day of November; half the customary exercises were forgot, at dinner Messieurs appeared to be in a daze,[…]
Hard condo adventure
Hard Condo Adventure By Millie Dynamite I walked into the building, and there he was just as he had described himself when spoke on the phone. A tall white man with brown and gray hair[…]
Anal encounter
Joe Kelley steered his car into the parking garage, found an open spot, turned the car off, and took a deep breath. It was the day of his annual physical. He had no reason to[…]