Jeremy part two

Hi, it’s Jeremy again. The next time my mother allowed me to get a glimpse of her naked body I did exactly what Jenny suggested. It had been about three or four weeks after my[…]

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Milk and cookies

“So you’re going off to college,” Mary Peters said to the young man who was painting her house. “In another couple of weeks, Kerry Kimball replied between brush strokes. “My, my,” she sighed while fanning[…]

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Lust to the max

It's been a while, a very long time since my 14-year-old self has been "sexually active" as to what the elders call it. But that last time was my first, but unfortunately all I did[…]

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Anal encounter

Joe Kelley steered his car into the parking garage, found an open spot, turned the car off, and took a deep breath. It was the day of his annual physical. He had no reason to[…]

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