
Michelle was the most beautiful girl I had seen. She was a brunette with curly hair who wore glasses, my two favorite physical traits in a girl. And she had a supple pair of breasts[…]

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Tiffany – ch. 3

Comments welcome! /> I woke a little after 9 am, enjoying the fact that I could sleep in. As I sat up and stretched, remembering what I was wearing, I was pleasantly made aware of[…]

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New life part 3

I awoke the next morning to a bird chirping in the palm tree outside my window. Glancing at the clock radio adjacent to my bed, I realized that it wasn’t even 8AM yet. I usually[…]

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My box (pt.6)

I tied up my robe and ran downstairs. I seen Marcus in his Porshe his iPhone lighting up his face. "Bop" I hit him right in his face. He loooked at me, "The fuck !".[…]

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Joey's sunshine 1

This is just my first attempt, hope people enjoy it. Criticism is welcome. Enjoy. Life, on the whole, treats us pretty well. Sure, there are broken arms, lost keys, stolen cars and the odd break-up,[…]

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Stranger on a train

Missy Edwards stared out the window and marveled at the Nevada scenery! she mumbled to herself, as the landscape of rock, desert, and mountains flew by while she relaxed in comfort on the Amtrak super[…]

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