Good time

So here I sit all alone. Fantasying about two people walking along the shore of the lake talking to each other as they laugh, tease, flirt and casually touch each other's arm, stopping at one[…]

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Mentoring brandon 2

MENTORING BRANDON By Bob Chapter 2: My Dream Comes True! A knock on the door – FINALLY! My heart had been pounding for quite some time and now was nothing different. I began to walk[…]

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First time

I wanted to write this in 2 different stories, but it wasn't long enough to meet the 5000 character minimum, so I put them together. This is the true story of my first 2 sexual[…]

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Jen, porno queen

Well, it was coming up to our anniversary and I was thinking what I could get my hubby for a surprise present, something out of the ordinary. Now we had watched a few porno films[…]

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Bus ride

I was sitting at an out door café enjoying my coffee and book and loving the breeze as it wrapped around me. As I am deep in book I can feel someone staring at me[…]

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an original limerick by /> there was once a broke lady writer from pawtucket her chair was repo'd so she had to sit on a bucket she licked the pen's tip but did not suck[…]

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