Working for a small newspaper as a second rate printer, all Leslie did was operate a few machines in the basement of the building. Being in no way spectacular, his life was quite dull. His[…]
Will's new home: final chapter
Brook had to rest, her body was begging for relief, but she kept running up the hill. “I bet they’re at the well…” She thought to herself. Brook was almost to the point of collapse[…]
Boy scouts part 3
I woke up early in the morning, before Kristy, looking over at her. I lay back down, knowing I couldn't sleep, but figuring I might as well be comfortable while I think. I start to[…]
Angela and martin p1: martin's session
I've noticed a serious excess of stories related to incest on this site. I personally took an intrest in the subject, considering my first sexual experience was with my older cousin. I believed and still[…]
Broken birds, part 8, rachael reborn
Part 8 Rachael Reborn Michael lay on the bed in a thick terrycloth robe. He had showered, shaved and taken a little blue pill. Though an experienced lover, he felt nervous. He would be making[…]
Over the road trucking
I was loaded in Tampa on a wednesday going to Portland Oregon. The load delivered on Monday morning. I had plenty of time to get it there on time. I stopped at the 76 fuel[…]
Our first meeting
We stayed in contact via social media like most people do now-a-days, her on one side of the world and me on the other. Although we never met in person we have a good connection.[…]
Stewart's adventures. episode 1
STEWART'S ADVENTURES 1 – BABYSITTING BRAD THE BRAT `I know its short notice Stewart, but I don't often get invited out since Brad's father moved out, I'll pay you œ25 for the night and all[…]
High stakes – part 2
What can I tell you? We returned to the campground, went our separate ways and spent the next few days pretending that nothing had happened. Oh sure, we acted as friendly as ever, as tight[…]
Mistaken identity
Back in the day, the early 1980's to be precise, I was badly in need. In need of a job, to be more specific. These were times of prosperity for most. The Dow had recently[…]
It's okay, i'm a cop
My Girlfriend and I always wanted to role play. We have an amazing sex life and we are both very adventurous and always passionate to try new things. So I told her I had this[…]
On edge
"What," Valerie said to her husband, Jack, as she put on the final touches of her makeup!?! "Whataya mean, what," he ask while drying off his just washed hair!?!" "You know what I mean," she[…]
Cunt for use, chapters 2 & 3
Chapter 2 As I catch my breath, I hear voices from the breezeway above and silently pray that they don't look down. One of them suddenly calls out, "Guys! Check out this view!" A slight[…]
Full moon syndrome (final edit)
His name was Cedric, he was thirteen had tan skin, dark brown wavy hair, and eyes as blue as the ocean, he had a girlish figure, and a soft voice, Cedric was always trusting, especially[…]
Another sex with sheep joke
One day a man was driving down a country road in his car when off to the side he saw a man having sex with some sheep. Disturbed by this, he drove to the nearest[…]
It all happened because of an E-mail that Ellen received. Everybody's heard of people that send porno pictures in e-mails to everybody they can think of? When Ellen, a 28 year old private teacher who[…]