Leslie and victoria

Working for a small newspaper as a second rate printer, all Leslie did was operate a few machines in the basement of the building. Being in no way spectacular, his life was quite dull. His[…]

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Boy scouts part 3

I woke up early in the morning, before Kristy, looking over at her. I lay back down, knowing I couldn't sleep, but figuring I might as well be comfortable while I think. I start to[…]

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Our first meeting

We stayed in contact via social media like most people do now-a-days, her on one side of the world and me on the other. Although we never met in person we have a good connection.[…]

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On edge

"What," Valerie said to her husband, Jack, as she put on the final touches of her makeup!?! "Whataya mean, what," he ask while drying off his just washed hair!?!" "You know what I mean," she[…]

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It all happened because of an E-mail that Ellen received. Everybody's heard of people that send porno pictures in e-mails to everybody they can think of? When Ellen, a 28 year old private teacher who[…]

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