It was my first day at Hogwarts walking through the castle doors. Looking around i saw Jenny, the girl i had sat with on the train. My name is Chris, i am 16 years old.[…]
Janet in training 03
For the next few months, Janet's life took on a strange double existence. After her first weekend with Mistress Erica, she had been given a strange looking ring that had a chain around it's entire[…]
I dream of angels: the series
This story is an existential drama focusing on psychology, depression, and romance. It takes a while to get to the sexual stuff, but don't worry, there is plenty. If you are looking for a stroke[…]
Girls school 2 & 3
Girls School 2 A used Man. I lay on my bed with just my boxer shorts on, then about half an hour after Erika had left there was a knock on my door again. “Who[…]
My sister-in-law amy
My brother married Amy when I was just 15 years old. She was 26 and absolutely stunning. She reminded me of Katherine Heigl, standing about 5 foot 9, 36 C breasts (I checked a bra[…]
The business trip
With the "good nights" and "I love yous" said, he clicked on "End Call" and closed the screen on his laptop. The empty hotel room was closing in around him and he wasn't ready to[…]
Fat girls can dance
Fbailey story number 268 Fat Girls Can Dance Tina came up on my porch and sat down in one of my chairs facing me. I had seen her around the neighborhood for a few years.[…]
The space creature
Allison looked out of the ships window with her hand behind her back smartly. The ship she was on wasn't a large ship, but niether was it small. It was a research vessal that didn't[…]
Overheard By Blueheatt …. When I was a teen I overheard my dad and uncle talking on the back patio one night. My bedroom window was open and they didn’t realize it was right behind[…]
Innocence lost chapter 1 pt 1
chapter 1 The beginning of the end part 1 My name is Kate or Katie as I was born. I am 35 and I live in L.A. I am a mother of three children and[…]
Revenge, pt 7: the blood starts flowing
*IMPORTANT* This is a new account for superkev123, I can no longer access my old one, so I am re-posting all my old ones here, and will also be uploading new ones. Chapter 7 The[…]
Summer vacation(copied)
I own nothing of this, I copy it from my favorite author and put it where I have easy access so I can read the whole story with one page load this story is from[…]
Romantic me chapter 1
I went for more romance less lust on my first submission; disappointingly, rating was quite low. Took a few hours off work to get in a bit of sex…Let's see if this better suits the[…]
The toronto run 2
The Toronto Run 2 I woke up and looked at the clock. It was early in the morning, and the moonlight was gleaming through the window. I rubbed my eyes and my head was aching.[…]
Trafficked love ch. 1
Chapter One: Get Or Die Trying She leaned up against the brick wall of the local thrift store, close to Harrisburg Pike and Mound Street. It wasn’t the best of areas, but Angel had certainly[…]
The brooke trilogy – story two and a half.
I just heard from Brooke that she read my stories and liked them so she sent me a letter that she wrote to a close girlfriend about how she first became Bi. I can't call[…]