Janet in training 03

For the next few months, Janet's life took on a strange double existence. After her first weekend with Mistress Erica, she had been given a strange looking ring that had a chain around it's entire[…]

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The business trip

With the "good nights" and "I love yous" said, he clicked on "End Call" and closed the screen on his laptop. The empty hotel room was closing in around him and he wasn't ready to[…]

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Overheard By Blueheatt …. When I was a teen I overheard my dad and uncle talking on the back patio one night. My bedroom window was open and they didn’t realize it was right behind[…]

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Trafficked love ch. 1

Chapter One: Get Or Die Trying She leaned up against the brick wall of the local thrift store, close to Harrisburg Pike and Mound Street. It wasn’t the best of areas, but Angel had certainly[…]

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