Camorra chapter 1

Camorra cursed, vehemently. Sliding back in the shadows of the alleyway, he watched as the young man joked and laughed with his friends. He'd let his admiration get in the way, again. He knew he[…]

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PENANCE By: vapidvector pen-ance (pen' ens) n. [see penitent} voluntary self-punishment to show repentance for wrong- doing, sins, transgressions, etc. Her husband could hear the car door slam in the driveway as his dearly beloved[…]

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The nerd – part 3

Chapter 1 We fell asleep holding each other lip to lip. We woke up in exactly the same position, except that Morgan was gently licking my lips, her leg over my hip. “Good morning, she[…]

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Masters fun

* creature grabs you and throws you on the bed "Evil! you are evil i swear!" * * DeathsServant yelps and flaps his hands at you, whining apologies. "Just because I'm the spawn of Satan,[…]

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The pstol

A cop is int the changing room at the precinct when his partner comes into the locker room with a huge smile on his face. "what you so happy about?" His buddy asks. "I had[…]

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The girl friend

"What a nice evening," Dina Corbin thought to herself as she slipped into the shower and let the hot stinging jets of water waft over her body. And it really had been a nice evening,[…]

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Power pussy 3

Power Pussy 3 The next day after my classes and against Audrey's orders I masturbated and fucked my ass with a hair brush all afternoon. The feel of my heavy balls bouncing around as I[…]

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