For the money

Gwen Turner sat nervously while she waited for Miss Alden to read her resume'. "Hmmm," she hummed while flipping the pages slowly, stopping now and then to take some notes that she scribbled on a[…]

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Just a moment

Customer Service was not her forte and yet here she was dealing with customers. She had attended a four year university and had received her degree in Business. After all was said and done, the[…]

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It’s 3:00 in the morning I look at you; you look at me So what you want to do its 3:00 in the morning. I want to make love to you from head to toe.[…]

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Tons of sex

MAY, 1999 I. Ashley was a caller. That's how it started. She'd called a few times over a few weeks, always asking to hear the same song, one that you could hear every forty-five minutes[…]

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