Chapter 4 Let the Bed Bugs Bite” says Andrew, “let me go first I don’t want to be taking a shower in you house after you are asleep, it would feel too much like />[…]
Little red (modern day)
She walked trough the woods with her basket of warm buns. That is what the big bad wolves smelled wafting through the forest air. The slight summer breeze carried it right to their sensitive noses.[…]
Kindness taken to new levels : part 1
I just finished work the day before and now I had 3 weeks off, to sit back and chill. I lived with on my own in a flat, it wasn't big nor was it my[…]
A visit from beth
I hadn’t seen my sister in several months and we were getting caught up. Since I moved from home we’ve only seen each other twice a year but now that she had graduated from community[…]
Gym teacher 4
This is part for of the Gym Teacher series with Carol and Tim. It picks up with us leaving for the nudist camp that Carol’s family belongs too. The next week was pretty much a[…]
Weekend in la
Its been a while since the cocktail party in LA. Heather and I have stayed in touch by phone, she has been asking when she would see me again. I'm busy with work and Heather[…]
My secretary cathy
My Secretary Cathy is my lover in both the physical and emotional sense. Cathy loves almost everybody, especially those of us who salute her when she walks by. I have no other female lover. My[…]
Happy birthday
HAPPY BIRTHDAY My name is Josh. My father runs this town. Well, he controls everything that happens here, but he aint exactly an elected official, if you get what I mean. Nothing happens here that[…]
Just another day in the office
Hey there my name is Tom. I work in a big big building. 80 floors to be exact. I'm just another number cruncher. nothing important to my job. I'm twenty four, married to a gorgeous[…]
Ben's girl
I highly suggest that you read my story "My Sister's Best Friend Raegen" first, before you read this. It will help you learn a little bit about me. So for those of you who ignored[…]
As the twig is bent
This is the second story of a much longer story arc, which is best read in the order of the List at the end. Translation of German words or phrases at the end. However, I[…]
Jenni 12 years ago I spotted her again through my telescope, in her little bikini, lying on a recliner in her tiny back yard, she was almost all legs. She lived with her mother and[…]
Mystery date
She shook the rain off her umbrella as she walked into the club – the weather wasn't cooperating, but she knew he'd be waiting for her, and that was enough to get her out tonight[…]
Divine succession – chapter 03
At 4:38am, exactly 8 hours after David had made his command, the two of them began to feel their orgasms start to dissipate, before they finally ended. They fell asleep almost instantly, their bodies absolutely[…]
Evie 01
I entered through the heavy wooden doors and was blinded by the contrast of the gloomy drinking lounge, which was emphasized by the neon glow of beer signs and jukebox in the corner. Terry was[…]
Hilltop high school sluts chapter four part one
CHAPTER FOUR: PLAYING WITH FIRE BITCH! PART ONE JAMIE VENN LOTT Me, Olive, and Jessica became closer, we are hanging out more. "can I barrow your lap top?" Olive asked. "yup[…]