My cum-slut wife part 1

When Mandy, my gorgeous cum-slut wife, told me that her younger cousin Gina was going to visit for the weekend, I was both curious and faintly aroused. Mandy’s 15 year old daughter (my step-daughter) Rebecca[…]

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The lonely traveler

The Lonely Traveler by Veronica Being a single businesswoman, I travel extensively internationally attending one boring meeting after another. I have found myself spending many lonely nights in strange cities generally holed up in my[…]

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First time

I wanted to write this in 2 different stories, but it wasn't long enough to meet the 5000 character minimum, so I put them together. This is the true story of my first 2 sexual[…]

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The set up

Erin couldn't stand the anticipation much longer. Here she was happily married and a very good sex life waiting for a woman to make love to her. Until a week ago she never even thought[…]

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Sarah 4

Recap: if you haven't read the first part or the second part or the third part read them. sarah was now a senior and she was begining to explore her options. she planned to go[…]

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