It’s been a few months since Ali went into labor (while she was teasing me with a blowjob, actually) and it went perfectly. Ali’s such a pro birther that she was in and out in[…]
My first time to cheat! part 1
I had just turned 20 yr's old and my husband and I had only been married for about 9 months, I want to say that I do now and did then love my husband very[…]
The suite sex life of zack and cody part one (revised and a shit load better.)
Zack and Cody Martin walked out to the pool located on top of the hotel they live in. Unfortunetly noone was there; But they stayed there anyway. "Where is everybody?" Cody said Zack said "Beats[…]
Valentine’s Day Sex Story with Paris
I kissed her face from above, kissing it all over as her body squirmed in front of me. My hands wandered down her face and neck until they reached her nipples, still kissing her my[…]
Wild imagination
The Kiss.. I was once at home, eating dinner, alone-the usual (sigh) while watching T.V, i was thinking about myfrieldfriend, and why she wssnt here with me, but then it came back to mind that[…]
Bad vicki
Vicki bounced into the room with her usual energy. Her plaid skirt flitting up slightly as she did and her breasts straining against the fabric of her white cotton blouse. Her pig tails bounced on[…]
What happened between "the ex files" and "i'll be seeing you"
Beginning: *The end of "The Ex Files"* "So, do you wanna grab dinner?" Jack Carter asked Allison Blake. She leaned in for a quick kiss, then pulled away. Looking at him lovingly. /> She stood[…]
Candy and me
Candy loves cum, and I can cum multiple times. I'm not talking that bullshit you read in porn mags where you just bring yourself as close to orgasm as you can then back off. I'm[…]
An order for delivery
My feet have begun to ache in the 5 inch heels I’m wearing, but I console myself with the knowledge that they made me hold a posture that thrust my breasts forward and my ass[…]
Curious Friend
I move my mouth from her lips, I follow the curve of her face with tender, soft kisses, I drift down onto her neck. The wonderful silky neck of a woman is a joy to[…]
Haley's busty adventures 2
Haley woke up the next morning and decided to was her car. She went outside and opened her garage door and backed her red Honda Civic out of the garage. She walked back into the[…]
What he's thinking – ch 6
Entry Six: — Laura + me + art modeling /> Writing about Laura's story kept it fresh in my mind. So the next time I saw her I asked about her thoughts on exhibitionism. I[…]
My school teacher Mistress
“And today Amanda you will count them all. I know you were late on purpose. I saw you pull up 10 minutes early. So you will count them all from fifty down to completion. If[…]
My son hates me
“ I hate her . I hate her . I HATE HER ” – I heard my son shouting in anger . In normal circumstances I would have thought his girlfriend had dumped him .[…]
The life and times of jim horn, texas ranger- an excerpt
Jim and Buck were working on their second cup of coffee when Jim glanced out the open door and noticed Jasper running down the street toward the office. He burst in through the door! "Sheriff[…]
Quagmire the final fantasy
As they stepped into the shower Quagmire watched as Lois’s hair became wet, water cascading all over her, dripping down her slim body. He couldn’t believe it his best friend Peter Grrifin’s wife was in[…]