"wifes horny girlfriend

Wife’s Horny Girlfriend By Blueheatt __How do get myself into these things? I ask myself as I smiled contently. I snuggled on the couch and started thinking about what all had happened. My mind drifted[…]

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Salt – part 2

I ran through the breezeways to my literature class with my semi-erect cock rubbing against my jeans. Although I tended to disregard punctuality most of the time, being an avid absentee from my daily courses,[…]

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If i was there

If was there right now I would come up behind you very quietly and slide my arms around you so they were right under your tits. Slowly I would pull your hair aside and begin[…]

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Merry christmas mom

Please rate and comment “Hey Mom, I’m home. “ “I’m in the kitchen Bobby.” I could smell Mom’s baking, the cookies I remember from every /> I grabbed a couple cooling on the tray. “Bobby,[…]

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The season of hunting

THE SEASON OF HUNTING It is the spring, the season of my hunting, And I'm awaken from the winter doze, I'm a volcano which begins erupting, The smell of love fills my perceptive nose!.. I[…]

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Technicolor /> The sky is black here. The rest is in technicolor “Lost in /> /> “What are you thinking about?” /> I rolled over on my side to face Amber. We lay close together[…]

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Officer's lesson

I drive around in my patrol car bored out of my mind. It’s typical Saturday night with drunks being the bulk of the problem. I only had 15 more minutes left on my shift and[…]

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