Sex story

Donna called me early in the week to let me know she was having a swingers night on the following Friday .. you can bet I told her a very big YES when she asked[…]

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Father time

Father Time Adam’s head was about to explode. His temples pounded with a pain he had never experienced. The throbbing seemed to start at the base of his neck and rode completely up the entire[…]

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Hyannis We arrived before midnight. The fairgrounds were well lit. Rather than sleep in Bobby M.’s van once again, I asked if I could set-up tonight. Bobby M. thought I had a good idea. After[…]

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She likes to watch

She Likes To Watch Sara Taylor’s parents liked to party, she had always known that. So it was no surprise when her thirteenth birthday turned into their celebration and she was shuffled off to bed.[…]

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Kallen's lust

Disclaimer: I do not own Code Geass /> Kallen's pov In the short time that I had known him I had come to admire him, and after spending so much time at his side I[…]

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Liz the milf

My wife and I looked like any other couple on the outside. Young and in love, but it was what we did behind close doors that made us special. We lived on the outskirts of[…]

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Analkiller 1

She was my first crush and when her family bought a cottage next door to me, it was one of the better days I have known. Aside from being my first 'love interest' she was[…]

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