A letter to my love

I don't think I've ever told you exactly how I feel when you make love to me. Kissing you sends shivers down my spine. Your lips pressing mine, our tongues lightly touching at first, teasing.[…]

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"All right class," Miss Eddy admonished her all girl's senior high home economics class, "the bell rang over a minute ago, please take your seats so we can get started!!!" After everyone was in her[…]

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Sandra-1. More or less a Fantasy story told by my 22 year old daughter! This story was originally written in Danish, so please accept for misinterpreted words and phrases. Introduction. It's a bit difficult to[…]

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Lee, our friend

Part 1: A near true story !!!!! My lady likes — actually loves big cocks. She can accommodate most any cock existing since her surgeon provided her a "very, very nice play pen", in fact[…]

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Love your neighbour

Charlie adjusted his outside microphones. Their main purpose was to pick up bird song from his back yard but they were sensitive enough to hear whatever was going on in his young neighbour’s bedroom. Not[…]

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