This is one of my favourite stories. It has proved to be very popular where ever it has appeared and has produced lots of comment. I really enjoyed writing this one, I think it tells.[…]
My transformation
I am walking on the lane in front of my house, this friend of mine he calls me as I pass from the front of his house. I walk up to him, and he said,[…]
The woman in me pt. 3
Part 3 I now went to that Public washroom more often than before, looking for Arnold, but I didn’t met him. Instead of meeting Arnold again I ran into Leo…. I had to notice him[…]
High school fantasies: sam
Sam: So i walk into my 6th period drama class one of the first people in there and I am tired coming from P.E. class with Mr. Bobof. And sam is behind me a ways[…]
A mother's immoral love for her son.
Nothing out of the ordinary, it was a Halloween like any other Halloween with me visiting my son, Joey, to spend some quality time with him, his wife, Patty, and my grandchildren. Normally, I vacation[…]
Phoenix pt 2 ch 05
Sibilius was excited. The ship was arriving from Earth after once again filling its belly full of dirt, plants, water, grain and farm animals. It had been orbiting out toward Mars for the last seven[…]
Why i met your mother – chapter 5
The story so far: Phil’s girlfriend, Sadie, has a teenage daughter called Kiara. By now Phil has raped the young girl three times, indifferent to the fact that she has her own boyfriend: Jake. Last[…]
Q. Why do women pierce their bellybutton? A. Place to hang their air freshener. story by: Crude Guy
My children are having sex
Fbailey story number 383 My Children Are Having Sex My sister said, “My children are having sex.” I asked, “With who?” She replied, “With one /> I smiled thinking that Sissy and Carol were becoming[…]
Haley's busty adventures 2
Haley woke up the next morning and decided to was her car. She went outside and opened her garage door and backed her red Honda Civic out of the garage. She walked back into the[…]
The first time with helen
The first time with Helen This story, to my shame, is absolutely true. To save embarrassment to Helen, I have changed her name and some of the smaller details that might give a clue to[…]
Pokemon world ch 2
Sorry that the first episode wasnt about pokemon that much for those of you who wanted it to be I honestly didnt think people would read it if it was all about pokemon. Anyways heres[…]
The neighbors chapter one
The neighbors Chapter One A little bit about myself my name is Anthony , I'm single age 30 I'm slender 6'4" brown hair hazel eyes . I work at a classic car shop my job[…]
Confessionals part 1
Part I. “Bless me Father for I have sinned” Clara spoke. Her voice full of repent. “Tell me child, what is it that you have done?” the Priests voice beckons from the other side of[…]
Realising im (a) lesbian – part four – interuptions and intimacy
This is part three. Please comment on if you’d like a part four and what you think I could do better, thank you for all your votes and all your advice and comments, its greatly[…]
The adventures of wicked tim, part 1.
It was another day at work, which meant stealing glances at the new Hispanic girl, Kim. Suddenly her eyes caught mine. I looked quickly to my monitor, cursing myself for staring so much. Last thing[…]