With the "good nights" and "I love yous" said, he clicked on "End Call" and closed the screen on his laptop. The empty hotel room was closing in around him and he wasn't ready to[…]
Welcome home
This is my first time posting here so any and all feedback is appreciated. however if you have to be rude about it then keep in mind i'll most likely ignore it. if you like[…]
Third night with alison
Third Night with Alison My horny little neighbor, Alison, came running over to my home early evening all excited. She didn’t even knock on the door; just opened it and ran inside in a panic.[…]
Boarding school for loving boys chapter 6
Now read this before you moan about spelling and grammar. “I don’t give a crap. It’s a story. We don’t get paid for this, so crawl back into your hole if you don’t like my[…]
Ten to six – part 2
Bob grabbed his clipboard from the work board hanging in the shop and glanced over his job assignments for the day. A smile crept across his face as he read down the list. Broodings –[…]
A job like any other
‘Green suede boots is what I’ll keep my mind on’, thought Zoe and marched inside the Drake Hotel with a determined step. ‘The ones in the Tall, reaching over the knee with a half-circled hole[…]
Drilling rights
Storming into his lawyer's office, a Texas oil magnate demanded that divorce proceedings begin at once against his young bride. "What's the problem?" "I want to hit that adulterin' bitch for breach of contract," snapped[…]
The pact chapter 2
The Pact Chapter 2 Jack groaned, rolling over as he pressed the snooze button, silencing the alarm that had jarred him from his sleep. Opening his eyes, it took him a few minutes to process[…]
Daddy is the best, part 3
I was surprised when my sister Kelly scooted into bed with me wearing just her underwear. I didn’t know what to do or say so I let her crawl right in next to my naked[…]
House sitting in florida
I was at a very down point in my life. My marriage of 15 years had just ended in divorce and my ex-wife had gotten half of my military retirement pay. The divorce proceedings had[…]
Lesbian couple sex change
It was reported that a lesbian couple in San Francisco decided that one of them should get a sex change operation. Do you know what the name of the procedure for this is called? Ans:[…]
Surfside chapter four
Four Chery left for work at the real estate firm and Kevin left shortly after for work. He worked as a clerk in a video and music store. It didn't pay all that well but[…]
The mile high club (a weekend in denver)
Let me start off with saying that this is the first chapter of a series hopefully if the feedback is good. This is only my 3rd attempt at writing, and it was written for a[…]
Brittany and kari do truth or dare.
Brittany and Kari were at a party one night that one of their friends were throwing for the last semester of their High School year. They were all seniors in High School and throwing the[…]
Honey dew pt 2
PART 2 – PAUL HIRES DENA Paul looked at the phone lying next to him. It took him a minute to realize what had just happened. “Shit, Dena! Beth just heard you fucking blowing me![…]
The kid cut from different cloth
Quick announcement, there's no sex in this story because I like to give some depth to characters more. If you like it, and want to see it evolve, please leave a comment and a thumbs[…]