Staring in the mirror shaving, I'm considering if the course of action I've embarked upon is right, or if it's going to backfire on me in spectacular fashion. We've talked about visiting a sex club[…]
A family reunion chapt 1 (growing up with marcy)
My memories of my early childhood were not pleasant. While some people wish they could go back to their carefree childhood days, I look at childhood as something I survived and lived to tell about.[…]
Playtime — chap. xvi — getting a little kinky
PLAYTIME – CHAP. XVI – GETTING A LITTLE KINKY… Candlelight lit the bathroom with a soft yellow glow while Mary relaxed in the tub. Four days had elapsed since John left on business and she’d[…]
Inside these four walls
"I just want to have sex with you." Nikki whined as she followed me through the library. "Not right now, Nik." "Oh, c'mon!" She sped up her pace so she was pressed behind me while[…]
Time for love again (a kenndys special)
I wrote this story, Kiki liked it so much, she bought the rights and made it into a video. I got credit for the story, and for being science advisor. I wrote some interesting equations[…]
Carlos and derrick
Carlos and Derrick I met Derrick on the first day of school. I was the new kid at a small Christian school where the entire student body was in 3 rooms on the top floor[…]
The watcher
Leo and I had been lovers for several months and we were looking for a way to add some excitement to our love life. Leo was several years older than me, quite attractive and a[…]
Samantha's fetish
Samantha Lynn was a born nympho. Blond haired, blue eyed, early developing, she was a little sex bomb as early as 12. She started masturbating when she was nine years old. She would simply pile[…]
Summer camp part 2
Well, now I have received my cabin assignment, and I would be spending a month of my life with Tim and Joey. I wasn’t sure what to really make of it, because I am almost[…]
Caught in the story – introduction
This is a warning. First: This is just the introduction to a long story written in parts. I need the feedback to know if it is worth writting. Second : I dont have english as[…]
Guy lost in desert with camel
GUY LOST IN DESERT WITH CAMEL The Arab overslept and found the caravan gone and he was totally alone in the middle of the desert lost. He decided that he would head out on his[…]
Sunday afternoon sex party
Just thought I would update you on last Sunday afternoons mutual pleasuring. Absolutely cracking day for some outdoor sexual activity It is a while since we had friends round for a Sunday afternoon pleasuring. The[…]
Sovereignty 3
Alan was trudging his way back to his room, shit things were starting to get stranger and stranger. Opening the door he sat in the chair thinking about the day. "Alan," Hopix said next to[…]
Have hands–will travel jamie 3
Jamie's Weekend— Sunday I was prepared for Jamie's last visit on Sunday early. The stones were heated and a fresh sheet on my table, along with some incense I burned one after another until her[…]
Hyannis We arrived before midnight. The fairgrounds were well lit. Rather than sleep in Bobby M.’s van once again, I asked if I could set-up tonight. Bobby M. thought I had a good idea. After[…]
No static at all!
It was a dream, or at least it seemed like it was a dream. Two shadowy figures had broken into my home in the middle of the afternoon and drugged me. Then two more figures,[…]