Kain sutherns

Think for a moment, of the most important moment that has ever happend to you. Pretty great memory right? Well, it was in the greatest moment of my life, that changed everthing that I had[…]

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A job like any other

‘Green suede boots is what I’ll keep my mind on’, thought Zoe and marched inside the Drake Hotel with a determined step. ‘The ones in the Tall, reaching over the knee with a half-circled hole[…]

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Lucy's tale (part 3)

Part Three I didn’t sleep so good that night. The memories of our snogging session, the feel of Mike’s hands on my body, so tantalisingly close to my boobs, merely inches from my aching pussy,[…]

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Part 9; such a whore

I appreciate all the ratings and comments. This story picks up right after my last one, anyone reading would get a better understanding of this story by reading my prior stories first. Enjoy. Some say[…]

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Test hypnosis

This is not a story, it is a simple hypnosis test. If you are looking for erotic sex scenes, then you might as well look somewhere else. I offer a chance to experience a light[…]

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The weekend 3

I'm having a nice productive day at work. Numbers and facts are just so black & white and I find it calming. I turn in my chair and pull a report from my messenger bag,[…]

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