Chapter Six: "Ungggh! No! Don't fuck Mummy's pussy again, Walter!" Patty gasped. "It's a sin! You know it's a sin to fuck your own mother!" Walter paid no attention. He was on top of her[…]
Senior bus trip to atlantic city
A senior citizen's group chartered a bus from Brooklyn to Atlantic City. As they entered New Jersey, an elderly woman came up to the driver and said "I've been molested!" The driver thought she was[…]
Tiffany's wedding day Exorcising Demons Just the most gorgeous bride, Tiffany’s a blonde fox with a real lust for anything extraordinarily, repulsively messy; but there’d be none of that shit until much later tonight (with[…]
Old folk oral sex
A young fellow was about to be married and was asking his grandfather about sex. He asked, How often I should have it?" His grandfather told him, "When you first get married, you want it[…]
Janet in training 04
Time passed as Janet continued to lead her highly unusual life. From Monday through Friday, she worked at her job and lived normally. She worked, shopped, did laundry. She refused the advances on men at[…]
New job , new start, not for fiona 9
New job, new start: not for Fiona 8 Sorting out Fiona's terms and conditions: As Fiona eased herself into a figure hugging pencil skirt and tight white blouse in the bedroom she had little clue[…]
My cousin the 57yo stripper
Fbailey story number 444 My Cousin The 57yo Stripper I had not seen my cousin in years until I attended the Family Reunion. I had been moving around some but settled down a few years[…]
The camp nurse, part 6
The Camp Nurse: Chapter 6. Virgin Territory by NightShade [The continuing adventures of Chris Mattson, RN at an all-girls cheerleading camp high up in the mountains out west. Only Chris is a male. Let the[…]
Post-grad party pt 1
Post grad party The high school graduation dinner had finished after what seemed like many years of boredom. There were only three reasons any of us guys went to those things; 1st being that we[…]
First experiences at an all-boys school (2.3)
This is the third and final part of my story with Fred at public school. After the wild night I experienced (part 2), things quietened down for a while. Fred had seen me come and[…]
My downward spiral to becoming a slut chapter 22 â– finding happiness
The last several weeks have been so crazy for me. I have been going to group twice a week and also attending a private session with a counselor once a week. My mom helped me[…]
Saving daisy
John was a thirty something business owner; general construction, married young and divorced within a couple of years. He was now a happy bachelor and doing okay for himself knocking down a cool 6 figures,[…]
Me, joe and his gf
First let me tale you about me I'm 23 black male 6ft 195 muscular I'm in college and work as a dishwasher for a wine bar in northern Florida I have been working with this[…]
7 days in heaven: day 1
Seven Days of Heaven: this is the first part of a 7 part story. This girl i like was coming to visit me and one night i had a dream about it. after i wrote[…]
My story – chapter four
Chapter Four “On Hold” In my dream, someone was between my thighs and their cock was starting to enter me. Rolling my hips in anticipation, reality took over as warm lips covered mine. My dream[…]
The orchestra trip
It was that time of the year again: the end of the year orchestra trip. This year, they were headed up to Boston for the music festival (that’s what they call the competitions). It was[…]