Sometimes, it seems, love is in the place that you'd least expect to find it… Where should I start… well, I guess I’ll start at the VERY beginning of it all. My name is Jessie,[…]
Contest entry: bonds of youth
My first story on this site. I am more of a forum guy, so please forgive the enevitable font errors, and I would appreciate any heads up for a learning experience… Right, without any further[…]
Just a taste
"easy pet" he said as she began to struggle. He held her arms behind her. her legs were held apart by the spreader, and he felt her stiffen as the dog started to taste her.[…]
My children are having sex
Fbailey story number 383 My Children Are Having Sex My sister said, “My children are having sex.” I asked, “With who?” She replied, “With one /> I smiled thinking that Sissy and Carol were becoming[…]
David and james
This story is about a gay man who never had any sexual experience with anyone until he was 30 years old. His name was David he was tall and handsome he knew that he was[…]
Turner brown
A little guy goes into an elevator, looks up and sees this HUGE guy standing next to him. The big guy sees the little guy staring at him, looks down and says, "7 feet tall,[…]
Summer before highschool
My friend wanted me to write this for her so I did, hope you enjoy. It started out as a normal school dance for me, the group I was hanging with were goofing off.[…]
The life of josh – chapter 3
The story beggins in chapter 2. If you have not read it, you might be at a bit of a loss now. Feel free to comment. And rate please! /> Chapter 3 – A lesson[…]
Craigslist nsa love
I met April online from a Craigslist ad I placed for NSA sex. She was one of only two real women that replied. She said that she liked my ad, and was interested, “I am[…]
25 fight or be tight? 26 flight delight
[b]25 FIGHT OR BE TIGHT? Jeff goes to Sean’s house after school the next day. They can’t stop talking about the game as they take a dip in the pool. Sean gets interrupted with a[…]
An uncle's story
I have been lusting after my niece for years now. It probably started when she was 13. I had always had a thing for her mum, my wife's sister, Susan. She is gorgeous, long blonde[…]
Blue magic 1
"200 key" Frank explained to his source. His source raised an eyebrow, it was Franks first time coming to him, and he was already asking for a big supply. "How are you planning on getting[…]
The life of james anderson pt:1
The Life of James Anderson. This is the first installment of many. It is going to follow the life of a boy called James as he progresses through life. It will start in high school[…]
At the family reunion
Wendy is technically my cousin however she is a couple of generations removed. (her great-great grandmother and my great grandmother were sisters). She was a bouncy, energetic redhead that, for some reason, attached herself to[…]
First get together
After settling in to where we decide to have our gathering. We lay a blanket down to sit and snuggle and tease each other a little. Picture me straddling you and taking my hand and[…]
Home on leave, the sequel, the real part 3
It was a fast three weeks, made up of lots of lost sleep caring for the little one, making love to my sister and cuddling with my wonderful wife. I didn’t break the rules as[…]