"Please take me with you," Ruthanne begged her husband, "I won't be in the way, I promise!!!" Jake Gannon kissed his wife gently on the cheek and whispered softly into her ear, "This trip is[…]
Ruby Lin is 38, actress and singer from Tiwan is in LA, she is showing me round the house, I'm the first visitor she'd had since she moved here, she had met me once in[…]
Girl's night
Friday morning. It is early as the sunlight shines through the bedroom window and wakes you up. Today is going to be a fun day. You have an evening planned here at my place with[…]
All work and no fun……..
Closing the door behind him, Stuart found himself sighing. He worked hard as a mechanic, he had now opened his own garage. At 30 he felt proud of himself, he had a nice car, nice[…]
While I am hetrosexual now. My first experiences with sex were strictly homosexual. Not because I was or felt gay. I rally did not even know. I just knew that I was horny and what[…]
Father time
Father Time Adam’s head was about to explode. His temples pounded with a pain he had never experienced. The throbbing seemed to start at the base of his neck and rode completely up the entire[…]
Terri becomes submissive
Introduced to bondage Part One Angie and I were meeting friends of Angie for dinner. I had not met them before but Angie met them 6 months ago. Angie is my wife and we have[…]
The convention finale
After the weekend encounter, Phred decided to buy her a thank you gift: a gold chain. It came in a small black box. It was big enough to hold a small card, and on it[…]
Garret's first impression
My name is Garret; at the time this story took place I was 15. I must admit, I was never a popular child. Maybe it was my attitude, or my way of thinking. Though when[…]
The after seeding second wave (7)
John had been pacing all day, there had to be a solution to this problem. There was no way that he could let Mitch enter the battle, even with his power increasing every day, John[…]
Cindi I was startled by a familiar voice asking, “Can you help me please?” It was the love of my life. Cindi had sat right in front of me in homeroom for most of my[…]
Daytime visitors
This was about three years ago. I was off from work one day and my roommate at the time, Gail, was at work. I was laying around the house, being lazy, sipping wine and had[…]
My first love
My First Love Part 1 I was starting my first semester of college in 1985 and was frightened and lonely. All my friends had gone to other schools or started working and they all were[…]
4 curious college girls: ch4 take it as it comes
Chapter 4: Take It as It Cums Julie and Cynthia, still wet from the they shared, walked into the living room, wearing nothing but towels. They were surprised to see Alex and Taylor sitting on[…]
Welcum to the family pt. 1
I'm a 34 yr. old man dating a 38 yr. old woman with a 19 yr. old daughter, still living at home and a 16 yr. old nephew that stays with her on most weekends[…]
The post mistress #2
We stumbled on to jules house , when we arrived she heaved a great sigh as her boyfriends black mercedes was in her drive , something that she seemed to have overlooked . She had[…]