Meat feast

Connor was 16. 6 Foot, brown eyes, Not bad looking either. Not athletic, but certainly not fat. More than anything, he was an academic. He got the grades. His brother, Cooper was 2 years old.[…]

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Just for fun

In the dim light of the dingy basement, unkempt and dirty fingers moved a computer mouse on its mat, and as he clicked, words sprang onto the screen before him. A blue glow from the[…]

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Best choice i made

-Best choice I made- I scoured the internet looking, yearning for something, for someone, that was when I stumbled upon a certain erotic story site, I began reading others’ stories, and then I found the[…]

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The journey

The Journey Your skin, your smile, your laugh, your touch,and your amazing body, They all get me hot, Don't you get shy, or don't you fret, Cause as we get older, perfect we're not. It's[…]

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The october surprise

Brooke Woodhead had been working making extra money as a baby sitter every since she'd been in the seventh grade. Smart and responsible, the families she worked for trusted her. Now a senior in high[…]

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Bert and kelly

Kelly Presson was a sharp lady. Her two degrees from the university had landed her a good job in a very upscale community in a resort area. She had moved into her nicely furnished, upscale[…]

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Christmas day

It's Christmas eve and u've called to say you wont be home for Christmas so I planned to have everyone come to me so im not alone on Christmas so I finish what I got[…]

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