Rick comes into his own!

Greetings everyone,Rick here again! Time to share another heartwarming family experience with you all. OK! Now, in the last story which I called, rather cunningly I thought, ‘Keep it in the Family’ I introduced you[…]

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"the look"

“ The Look” By Blueheatt A new couple moved in next door. An older man and a younger girl. My girlfriend and I watched, hoping they were cool. They were,….. except for the girl. I[…]

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Skirts n shirts 1

Kevin stifled a sneeze as he walked down the dusty hallway. It was a brand new building, and there was godawful somethings floating in the air all around him. It could be worse, he thought[…]

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Husband contest 2

A week and a half had passed since Suzan and my video had been recorded for the contest and now Suzan was at Joe’s bar getting the results. I tried to busy myself watching tv[…]

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The house – part 3

Fiction, Romance, Masturbation, Consensual sex, Oral sex, Mind control, Male/female Disclaimer This my first story ever. I got the idea around Valentines day so it may be a bit more romantic and mushy than readers[…]

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