Frantic hearts

My name is Gabriel I'm 18 and a senior in high school, I'm relatively tall at 6 foot and apparently good looking. I play varsity hockey in school so I have to stay pretty built,[…]

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The hidden video camera

kidding, right,” Becky said incredulously to her best friend Dana!?! “I’m telling you the truth,” Dana said with a giggle, “just take a look at this,” as she shoved the tape into the VCR and[…]

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I plunked down next to you on the couch as you played another one of your video games. I grabbed the game case off the table and glanced at the cover. “Seriously, this is like[…]

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Puppy slut

She decided, today was the day when she would go hunting. She took her time in getting ready as tonight, had to be just right in order for her to secure her prey. She showered,[…]

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