The week after the weekend of my seventeenth birthday, when I had sex for the first time with my mother, with Anna the housekeeper and with Nancy my mother’s friend, my life slowly returned to[…]
The dog house
I'm 30 years old 6'2 190lbs I work hard to stay in good shape, dark brown hair and blue eyes. I have never been married, but I do have a long term girlfriend. Her name[…]
Cyberlovers: the first meeting
Ann glanced again at the directions printed out from e-mail. Maneuvering her car along the winding road leading to the resort cabin, she thought about what was coming. For the past two years, she had[…]
The origins of yodeling
Have you ever wondered where and how yodeling began?… Not really? Well, you are going to find out whether you like it or not. Back in the olden days, a man was traveling through Switzerland.[…]
Apartment seven has a golden ticket
Carie had just stuffed the last corner of toast with honey into her mouth when she heard a knock on her door. She frowned. It was supposed to be a lazy Sunday morning. All she[…]
Behind castle doors – part 2
Tyler turns to slam the door but his guard is dropped I take my chance and turn to run at the door but it slam's shut on my fingers, I drop to the floor in[…]
Knocking on carol's door
C'est incroyable… Walking toward the rear entrance, I bid my adieus; I open, then shut the rear exit door, and descend the basement stairs, seeing Chad’ wife sleeping on the chesterfield I quietly enter the[…]
"incest request"
Incest Request By Blueheatt __Sis and I worked for a rich lady. ‘Marquette Lindsey Dumont‘, or We had heard talk about her paying ‘big’ money to a brother and sister to perform incest sex acts[…]
there seem's to be a message in my's a mystery, often of people i know or have known, sometime's things of the past.. there seem's to be a message in my dreams..just last night[…]
Laura, chapter 8
Laura, Chapter 8 (This is the end of the Laura series, and I hope you like it.) I feel a little guilty for not giving you the full story, in the last chapter, of the[…]
Training programme leads to unbelieveable sex part 2
The doorbell rang, Myra hid in the bathroom and Hari was surprised to find Sheila at the door…. Sheila studied Hari from head to toe and her gaze stopped at his crotch. She was looking[…]
Jake's adventures: part ii
One thing to note about this chapter in regards to the series: there is a very long and detailed backstory I have imagined up between Amy and Kaylee, but I can’t go into it here.[…]
The after seeding a second wave 1
The After Seeding a Second Wave 1 /> One year after the Seeding 4 Mille had been having a hard time controlling their daughter, though she had the enhancements like her husband John, she still[…]
Office dream part 2
It was a hot summer day in the office and I was working late. For some reason, I was feeling really horny and my mind started to wander… I cupped my full breasts through my[…]
First time…? – fixed
I'm resubmitting this story to add the correct themes. Though I identify as straight, and have been married over 20 years, I've had a curiosity about engaging in oral sex with another man since I[…]
A lifelong affair pt. 4
Preface: Have you ever had a past relationship that leaves lasting impressions, many of us has. We move on but carry the memory or if not that then there are subtle traces or just a[…]