
Blake stepped into the empty elevator, pushed the button for the seventeenth floor, and waited for the car to begin its ascent. Just as the doors were beginning to close a hand shot between the[…]

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Beauty secret

I heard the water running when I woke up. My eyes slowly opening as I smelled her perfume from the night before on the pillow next to me, the smell of our sweat and sex[…]

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Nightly rounds

Trina shuddered, wrapping her light jacked tightly around her sexy young body. With the click of high heels, she hurried up the front steps of the small private hospital. It was a hospital that specialized[…]

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Scene in an office

copyright: Lesley Tara, 2010 Oh!! Oh, gosh! Ms Carter! I didn’t know you were like this, that you wanted me like this, when you asked me to stay on late at the office tonight and[…]

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The desk

“I won’t go any lower than twelve.” I was sweating, but Mr. Johnson looked calm. He’d been calm for the whole fucking negotiation, all forty-five minutes of it. He was slouched in his black leather[…]

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