It was 6pm and already starting to get dark, I put on my best clothes because me and my mates were going out clubbing that night, I was wearing my sparkle top and my tight[…]
Natalie and daves night out
'So where are we going tonight?' asked we should decide once we have had a few drinks at the pub'Natalie his wife fine'said Dave Natalie finished getting ready for what she hoped was going to[…]
My college days as the intern: part 2
Monday morning came way to quick if you ask me. It felt as all I did was blinked and Monday was here again. Even though all I did was slept my weekend away. Didn't even[…]
I lost my virginity in a prostitutes mouth
It was in the early sixties and I had just turned sixteen and I was still a virgin. I had had a couple of girlfriends and we had played around some but I still had[…]
My sexual experiences: the path of desire part 1
I was at the end of my senior year of my school and I was going to end it with something to remember it with but with what I didn’t know. I was still a[…]
Sovereignty 9
Alan was dreaming a strange dream. He and Hopix were walking down the isle of the palace up to Queen Glimmer. Hopix was beautiful. Over and over, he heard her telling him that she loved[…]
D-day sexual invasion part 2
D-Day Sexual Invasion – Part 2 The old joke is that no sane person would jump out of a perfectly good airplane. But I did on June the 5th. Less than 12 hours later I[…]
Awesome threesome
It was just your particular weekend in July. Matter of fact it was the forth of July weekend. I had gone to the beach with my friends and their girlfriends. I had broken up with[…]
"annies craving for cum"
Annie’s Craving for Cum By Blueheatt ….I met Annie right after her divorce. She owned a small business and I struck up a conversation with her when it was slow that day. She was really[…]
I'm not a slut
“Name the Tenth Element in the Periodic Table.” I thought for a moment, “Oh shit! This is from the fall term. Oh God, what is it?” I started counting, absent mindedly, starring out into space,[…]
One favor too many
I wondered how it had come to this as I sat on the edge of my bed looking at her. She might be wondering the same thing though her sleepy eyes gave nothing away. She[…]
Angel meets her master (chapters 1-4)
Chapter 1 Angel takes a car ride She was standing on the beach, looking out at the ocean. Watching the waves roll up on the sand. Although her hair was pulled back in a bun[…]
The skeleton key diaries- part 2
Cindy2 For the next couple of days I was very reserved in what I did. I was a bit scared I might get caught, so I stayed away from the toy in the drawer even[…]
Hot pleasure
I was on the offense side of our home team. We were just playing for fun, for after the coach had all killed us with push ups and exercises our team escaped to the field[…]
Darren part 1
I had always been curious about my sexuality. Girls just never did it for me. But the way a man's body looked, the shape, the muscles and of course his cock always intrigued me. I[…]
The twins
Erotic Novels by Gail Holmes “The Twins” Since time immortal, the twins had been in each other’s pockets so to speak, each knowing as to the other’s movements no matter as to where they were,[…]