Awesome threesome

It was just your particular weekend in July. Matter of fact it was the forth of July weekend. I had gone to the beach with my friends and their girlfriends. I had broken up with[…]

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I'm not a slut

“Name the Tenth Element in the Periodic Table.” I thought for a moment, “Oh shit! This is from the fall term. Oh God, what is it?” I started counting, absent mindedly, starring out into space,[…]

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Hot pleasure

I was on the offense side of our home team. We were just playing for fun, for after the coach had all killed us with push ups and exercises our team escaped to the field[…]

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Darren part 1

I had always been curious about my sexuality. Girls just never did it for me. But the way a man's body looked, the shape, the muscles and of course his cock always intrigued me. I[…]

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The twins

Erotic Novels by Gail Holmes “The Twins” Since time immortal, the twins had been in each other’s pockets so to speak, each knowing as to the other’s movements no matter as to where they were,[…]

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