Sarah 3

Recap: if you haven't read the first part or the second part read them. sarah and i were in high school and were still dating. i was a junior and she was a sophmore. we[…]

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Lunch special

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You and the stranger both like gay. Stranger: hey You: Hi! Stranger: asl? :3 You: 17 You: m You: English and Spanish. Stranger: 17 M to[…]

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Blue magic 1

"200 key" Frank explained to his source. His source raised an eyebrow, it was Franks first time coming to him, and he was already asking for a big supply. "How are you planning on getting[…]

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Best choice i made

-Best choice I made- I scoured the internet looking, yearning for something, for someone, that was when I stumbled upon a certain erotic story site, I began reading others’ stories, and then I found the[…]

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