Secret fantasy part 2

We’d been married for about ten years when I discovered my wife’s secret fantasy, she fantasized about being raped and in fact wanted to be raped. I conspired with Rick, a maintenance worker at the[…]

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Loving friends

One night my friends and I were watching movies spread around the room on couches, air matresses and chairs as well as the floor. Slowly everyone was drifting off to bed when eventually it was[…]

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The new years eve party

As the two girls saw what was being shown at the natural history exhibit, depicting the life of the Native American family, they blushed, turned their heads and hurriedly walked away. A hand covered one[…]

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The picture

/> __We have two very horny females in this family. Mom and daughter. Can the dad handle them and find harmony between them all?… let’s find out…. ___My daddy (Ben) and I ( Millie) had[…]

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At age 64 chapter 3

AT AGE 64 Chapter III Written by-Draggonfly Originally published on Literotica Published here with permission I hadn’t heard from Bill or John for about four weeks so I called to see how they were doing.[…]

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Ease the pain

Lookin to sooth the pain… ease the strain…. just need time …everything in place I will emerge with grace… cause I've got nothin to lose… It s all been taken from me …. You make[…]

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Accidental love

The ancient, dusty cobweb expanded as the warm air tugged at its weakened skeletal fabric. A rumbling swelled within the confines of the underground station; a roaring sound interspersed with the 'clickety clack' of steel[…]

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Debbie gets ganged

Debbie’s boyfriend Jay was nowhere close to being old enough to drink but he was friendly with some of the older guys who frequented the bar on the corner where he hung out. Often they[…]

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