He was waiting in the shadows beside the stone bridge. He peered through his ski mask around the corner and saw her coming toward him, totally oblivious of his menacing presence. She always ran at[…]
Female stowaway
A young woman was so depressed that she decided to end her life by throwing herself into the ocean. She went down to the docks and was about to leap into the frigid water when[…]
Playtime — chap. xvii — the whore-fest contest
PLAYTIME – CHAP. XVII – THE WHORE-FEST CONTEST Saturday night and all present — Mary and John and their Toys James and Kelly. Their new friend Terri, who had the sex-change operation, was recuperating for[…]
Alice and anna
Have you ever had one of those days where when you think back on it years later, you think to yourself, “There is no way that happened to me.” I am pretty sure that today[…]
Camdace part 3
As Candace lay there her hand stroking my now flaccid cock I felt a pang of guilt. That however was abated as she whispered in my ear “I liked doing that, Daddy, I’m just sorry[…]
Day of red baroness
Copyright 2002 FK Publications “ Does everyone understand what’s expected of ask Sergeant Harrison of the small group of men from the Royal Flying Corp, pointing a stick up at a map situated before the[…]
Brother's love- part 8- oh, hi, mom
PLEASE NOTE: Since English is not my native language, there might be some spelling or grammar errors in texts. I'm making sure to correct as much of the errors as I can. Thank you. …Few[…]
I stand in the shower. Warm water caresses my 18-year-old, body. I scrub my hair with shampoo. I hear the alarm beep. I figure it was my mom or dad opening the door so I[…]
Dan's dream part one
Dan’s Dream Part One one He was walking fast down the street because he was late, she didn’t like it when he was late even though she had no control over what they did; it[…]
Family deception 1
CHAPTER ONE I walked into the bathroom knowing my daughter would be there; I had been turned on by her by the time she turned sixteen. Her breast grew to at least a D cup[…]
Workin' it
I picked my 5-year-old up and kissed him hard on the cheek…it was puffed and full of cheerios and he didn’t like it one bit! He whimpered a little but was too tired to protest[…]
Eating forbidden fruit
Denise * stood in front of me when I came to the queue of the shop, she’s as tall as I am 6’3”, but a bit chubby, very friendly, with brown shoulder length, wavy hair[…]
Pleasure of passion-revised
It’s awfully hard to read a even harder is reading their sexual preference. Some people can be very out with it, like I can tell a guy is gay if he speaks with a high[…]
Brandy's nightmare part two
The following story is fictional. If you are upset by incest, rape and sexual please do not read it. I don’t condone any of the crimes the villains commit in this story. In my opinion[…]
Path to our future part 3
I’m looking at the first week in December and Rachael’s medieval winter formal is right around the corner giving me not a lot of time to prepare personally. More so I’ve been wondering about what[…]
My sisters part 3
I woke up smelling pancakes and syrup. I opened my eyes and sniffed again. Definitely pancakes and syrup. I had my arm around Riley, my nose almost touching her long, blonde hair. She was laying[…]